32 - Title for This ?

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Hey Yume this is what I've told you bout the ghetto thing.. But I don't know what could be the right title on this one.

Should I put "Love is War" (cause that's on the img. And i have seen similar titles but not Rin / Len tandem.)

Or "Ghetto Chronicles : The Twin Terrors"

Or a title you think of...


I'll just update the others while I'm waiting.. He he.

And yeah I'm serious in this one.

Len : *walks in sees the cover* Yes! Maze had an interest on making a book for us!

Aiseca : *put a watermelon on Len's Head* finish your "Kitty Kitty" first. And I'm only asking for the title..

Maze : *suddenly appeared* Yeah Len. Do your thing with Kaito. *smirks * I love watchin' you both doing it.

Len : ah Shoot! *gone out*

Aiseca's Voca-Random-Kinda StuffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora