58 - Page Flipping [ Mobile : PC ]

55 6 4

Aiseca : Im just curious about this one because whenever I made or other people make updates on my/their books and started to creep at them (creeping is my term for reading), that is when flipping pages in mobile is equal to - God knows how - page flips in PC.

So I tried the Web version and used pne of my book as test subject. The result had opened mah perspective on what other called a "short chapter/part update.

Part 6 of 401 : 15 flips on mobile; 2 page flips on PC


Part 16 of HtBaS : 13 flips on mobile; 1 ½ page on PC


Then I grabbed my friend's book.

Chap 8 of LWW : 63 flips on mobile; 12 pages on PC

(O.O )

*I just wanna stab mahself ugh... -.-*

After that "realization" several possible things can fix my messy head dilemmas...

a.) All books (including all upcoming, brewing, even the kickoffs; except this book) would be deleted and reworked as chapter, as long as "an average Mexican drama runs which is i think 45 minutes = book equivalent of 5 to 9 pages back to back".

Updates would be moved dramatically like from previous 4 day average up to 2 to 4 weeks (which is too stupid for the author of the book, which is mek technically)

b.) Tweaks a book at a time. (but that will annoy the readers of that book so yeah least likely to work.)

c.) continue my crappy writing.

d.) Just stop. And let fall down to hell. Hard.

So yeah it's pretty much off topic so I'll cut it now.

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