Chapter 48: Kill the Jaegers Part 4

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As the blast of Bols's Teigu exploding goes off Leone grabs Wall's shield and uses it to protect Akame from the blast. Meanwhile Susanoo shields Najenda and Tatsumi shields Mine from the blast that is destroying the whole canyon. Kurome is scooped up by Natala who runs off with her in his arms to get away from the blast.

When all is said and down the blast has reshaped the canyon, making it look completely different than it did before the blast went off. The only people killed in the blast were some of Kurome's puppets. Bols survived due to special training and is now making his way through the forest heading to Romari where he is to meet up with the rest of the Jaegers.

As Bols makes his way towards the city he passes by a patch of trees. Before he has any time to react a figure flashes out of the trees and cuts his head off. That figure is F/N who has been watching the entire battle unfold and was waiting for the right time to strike. Having now killed Bols, F/N decides to go and see if he can find any of the other members of Night Raid.

Shortly after F/N kills Bols, Chelsea comes to the clearing and sees the dead body of Bols. She is soon joined by Lubbock who has been searching the area for any teammates.

Lubbock: "Well it looks like we got one of them at least."

Chelsea: "Which way did Kurome go? I am going to go after her."

Lubbock: "That is way too risky Chelsea. This is not like you."

Chelsea: "If we don't kill her now and she meets up with Esdeath, she will just return with eight more puppets for us to have to deal with."

Lubbock: "Kurome has already left my thread barrier, but I can tell you what way she went. Just be careful."

Chelsea: "I will. If Kurome and Esdeath have already found each other then I will head right back. If you could try to send some other members of the team my way for back up."

Lubbock points the way that Kurome is headed and Chelsea starts to head that way. She uses Gaea Foundation to transform into an exact replica of Bols. She then heads to go and find Kurome. Meanwhile Lubbock heads back into the forest heading towards the meeting spot that Night Raid has planned out in a cabin in the woods.

Along the way to the cabin Lubbock comes upon F/N and tells him about what Chelsea is doing. F/N says, "I guess I can go and make sure she will not die at least. I am still against killing Kurome though. I will not do that, but I can keep Chelsea safe." After this F/N heads towards where Chelsea should be going.

Meanwhile Kurome has been cared for one fourth of the way to Romari by Natala already. She is starting to get a massive headache as she has not had any of her drugged cookies lately. Kurome has Natala stop at a stump so she can eat some of the cookies that she always has with her. These contain a drug that enhances her reflexes, strength, and many other features. The downside is that they will shorten her life greatly and she is highly addicted to them.

While Kurome is snacking she hears a rustle in the trees and looks over to see that Bols is coming her way.

Kurome: "I cannot believe that you are still alive. How did that blast not kill you?"

Chelsea: "The Incineration squad had me undergo special training to make me resistant to fire."

Kurome: "Oh well that is good."

Chelsea: "I lost my Teigu though. Are you mad at me?"

Kurome: "No of course not."

Chelsea thinks: "I must have nailed my impersonation of Bols. She is not even going for her weapon. I had Tatsumi tell me all about the Jaegers and how they talk. I guess he was right."

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