Chapter 2: Adopted Assassin

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Two years later the baby that is now grown to a two year old toddler has already begun its training. The toddler has not been given a name as the man felt it being nameless would help it as an assassin as it could easily go by anything. The blonde-haired man, which the toddler learns to be named Gozuki, has wasted no time in getting the boy into shape. As soon as the baby hit two years old, Gozuki set it to work by running half a mile every day. The toddler is then given other assignments each day to help it become stronger physically continually.

For the next three years the child is trained constantly in one way or another. As soon as the boy is able to run half a mile with ease the amount is increased. The boy is also forced to start doing weight training, so that he is able to lift weapons that he will need to be able to use in order to fight. Gozuki has spared no expense in acquiring tools to use in training the boy. He has already prepared the child for combat in many ways, as this now five year old boy is in peak physical condition and is stronger and faster than any other five year old in the world.

Now that the boy has reached the age of five and is still going strong, Gozuki has decided that it is time to prepare the child for actual combat. He starts with hand to hand combat, and sword training. In the sword training Gozuki first demonstrates to the boy how it is done and then goes to work in fighting the boy with sticks. Obviously, Gozuki beats the child time and again. The boy is black and blue from all the times that he gets hit by Gozuki during these training sessions. The hand to hand combat does not go any better for the young boy. However, Gozuki continues to push the boy beyond his limit with all the training that he forces the child to do.

In addition to the daily exercise and sword training Gozuki has the boy also practice aiming. He has the boy throw knives into a tree with a target painted on it. The boy does this for two hours every day, along with everything else. He is to back up and throw from further away if he is able to get every knife to stick in the tree in the desired location from a set distance. This also is painful for the young boy as he tires from all the throwing very quickly. In addition, the bruises that cover his body make moving painful in its own right. Yet despite all of this the boy continues to practice.

To add to the physical training the boy receives Gozuki wants the boy to be smart as well. He has the boy taught how to read and write by some private tutors that he hires. He figures that this boy needs to be fluent in multiple languages as well as be very smart to serve as the leader of an assassination team. All of the time that the boy is not spending with physical training, or sleeping is spent being taught many different subjects. Gozuki wants to make sure that nothing is lacking from the boy's education.

The training continues in this manner for the next two years until the boy is seven years old. During these two years the boy is never able to land a hit on Gozuki in sword training or hand to hand combat. However, he does develop the ability to dodge. In fact, the boy gets so good at dodging that in fifteen minute fights the boy can dodge continually every strike that Gozuki throws at him. Gozuki sees this as progress, as he never really expected a young boy to be able to best him in a fight. He is pleased that the boy has been able to figure out how to avoid getting hit at the very least.

At the age of seven the boy continues the daily sword training, hand to hand combat, knife throwing, and learning courses. Alongside this he has an intense morning exercise that he is to take part in. This however is not enough in Gozuki's eyes as he now puts the boy to work in practicing to shoot a bow. This skill is much easier for the boy as he is already rather good at aiming as a result of the knife throwing. His archery skills impress Gozuki to a great deal as he watches the boy land multiple bullseyes every day. Even when the shot is not a bullseye it is still close.

Gozuki adds yet another thing to the boy's daily schedule. This one is to help the boy develop his stealth abilities as well as his ability to kill. Gozuki sends the boy into the nearby forest to hunt beasts. The only weapon that is given to the boy is a small dagger. There are danger beasts in the forest as well as regular animals. Each day the boy is sent into the forest to hunt down and kill at least one animal. The bigger the prey the better. The boy at first takes hours to catch any prey. However, within a week he has figured out how to sneak up on the animal without it seeing him coming and kill it in a single strike.

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