Chapter 39: Forty-Eighth Teigu

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After a month of rest, F/N has now recovered from getting the liquid injected into his spinal cord. There are only a few days left before Night Raid is planning on leaving Marg Plateau and going to their new base that the Revolutionary Army has built for them closer to the Capital. During the few days that are left F/N plans to do as much training as he can. While Chelsea still has told him to not do too much, she agrees that he needs to get some training in.

F/N returns to training mostly as he normally did before Chelsea injected the liquid Teigu into him. The exception is that he is careful not to strain his neck too much. He runs several miles in the morning and then proceeds to do other exercise. One thing that he notices is that his neck does not hurt as much as he was expecting. When he tells Chelsea this, she says that he may have fully recovered.

Following his morning exercises F/N returns to the base to get some food. He finds that Najenda is the only one at the base. She is also eating some lunch while the rest of the team is out doing some last minute training before returning to nearby the Capital.

F/N: "So I take it that the rest of the team is out training still."
Najenda: "Yes they are. Even Chelsea left today to get in some training. The whole team has gotten a lot stronger in the past month."

F/N: "That's true. Everyone, except me has been training hard this entire month."

Najenda: "You were recovering during that time. Hopefully getting that new Teigu will be worth you not getting to train while we have been here. Make sure you get back in shape as quick as you can."

F/N: "I will. We also need to determine what my Teigu does exactly too."

Najenda: "That is true. No one has ever used that Teigu before so it is hard to say exactly what it will do. For all we know that liquid may not have even been a Teigu."

F/N: "It was. I am not sure how I know it, but I do know that the liquid is a Teigu."

Najenda: "I want you to spend the rest of the day learning what you Teigu can do. Report back on what you find out tonight while we eat dinner."

F/N: "Understood."

After finishing his lunch F/N heads outside of the base to go into the forest nearby. F/N decides to take his bow and arrows in case he finds some prey to hunt. He also takes his sword in case he runs into any danger beasts. His plan is to test out his Teigu while in the forest in case it could damage the temporary base that the team has set up. Since he has no idea what it will do, or how to use it F/N wants to be careful not to damage anything as he practices.

F/N comes to a stop near a river and decides that he is far enough away to try to use his Teigu now. F/N closes his eyes and tries to focus. He is trying to determine exactly what his Teigu will do. While he is sitting searching for some indication of how to use his Teigu's powers, he feels a presence approaching him. F/N determines that someone is trying to sneak up on him from behind.

As the person gets closer to F/N, he opens his eyes. The person gets fairly close to him when he turns around. F/N sees that it is Leone who was trying to sneak up on him.

Leone: "So you heard me. I guess your instincts are still pretty good."

F/N: "I spent all my life training, so it will take more than a month for me to forget what I was taught."

Leone: "I guess that is true. So what are you doing out here in the woods?"

F/N: "I am trying to figure out what my Teigu can do. In case I lose control of its power, or something like that I wanted to be far away from the base."

Leone: "I thought you had a vague idea of what it does."
F/N: "I know it has to do with manipulating something. I am not sure how to activate it, or what exactly I can do though."

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