Chapter 24: First Assignment

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The following morning F/N gets up early to do training like he usually does. To do so he heads outside of the hideout to get to work. It is still dark outside when he starts his training. This includes running five miles outside, sword training, along with other exercises. F/N figures that later in the day he will be on a surveillance mission with Mine, so he might as well get everything he wants to do done before they leave.

After F/N has finished his training routine, he goes into the base to have breakfast. He finds Leone and Najenda are already eating. F/N sits down with a plate filled with ham and gets ready to eat.

Leone: "What don't you like anything, but meat?"

F/N: "I only have eaten meat for a while so I just didn't think to grab anything else."

Leone: "So you are like Akame."

F/N: "I guess. I don't really know what Akame eats."

Leone: "Mostly meat."

F/N: "I was wondering if either of you have seen Mine today."

Leone: "She is probably sleeping in."

Najenda: "Why don't you go wake her up?"

F/N: "I guess I can go do that."

F/N leaves the dining room after he has finished eating, to go and wake Mine up. He enters the hallway where her room is and walks up to the door. Once at the door he decides it would only be polite to knock first in case she is already awake, and just getting dressed or something like that. As F/N knocks on the door he says, "Hey Mine I am just reminding you we need to get going soon. Are you awake?" Mine replies through the door, "Yeah I give me a few minutes." F/N decides to go and wait for her in the dining room. When he gets back to the dining room, Leone and Najenda seem somewhat disappointed that Mine didn't yell at F/N.

After ten more minutes of waiting Mine finally comes into the dining room. She walks into the kitchen to get some food and eats while F/N waits. Once she has finished her breakfast, Mine and F/N head out into the Capital to do the surveillance mission that they have been given.

For the next three hours F/N and Mine travel all over the Capital going to various stores. Mine wants to go to clothing store after clothing store. F/N figures that she must be doing surveillance while shopping, so he makes sure to watch around for anyone suspicious while they are traveling. As they go F/N thinks, "I am not really sure this is much of a surveillance mission. It is more like a shopping trip. I guess it is not as bad as when Aria dragged Tatsumi and me along to go shopping. At least Mine is not going in every store."

Eventually they stop at an ice cream parlor where Mine gets some ice cream. F/N gets some as well. F/N is surprised by how good the ice cream is. While they both are eating ice cream, F/N decides to see what Mine has gathered from the mission.

F/N: "So have you noticed anything interesting while we have been traveling."

Mine: "Not too much. I did see one of our previous contacts for a mission traveling around. I think Lubbock had a meeting with that contact today, so we will see if he finds anything out."

F/N: "I did not hear much of interest either. Although in my experience going into clothing stores is not the best place to get information. I understand needing a cover, so we don't look like we are sneaking around, but it may not have been the best one to find targets.

Mine: "I know you worked as a private assassins before, but usually contacts come to you. We don't have to search out people to eliminate, instead we get requests from people on who to eliminate."

F/N: "I suppose that makes sense. I am not used to doing work that way. However, I will get used to it."

Mine: "You handled going clothes shopping surprisingly well. You didn't even complain once. I have to say I am surprised."

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