Chapter 54: Reaper's Cabin

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Following defeating the Reaper, (F/N) begins to make his way up the side of the cliff that he fell off. Normally, this would not be too difficult for him to do. However, as his left arm is broken, and his left leg is also injured he has a hard time doing this. Unfortunately since climbing is the only way that (F/N) can see to get back up to where he needs to be, he does not have any other choice than to claim the cliffside.

After a great deal of pain and effort, (F/N) makes it up the side of the cliff and starts to make his way along the road that he was traveling along before the Reaper ambushed him. While he is making his way along this road, (F/N) continues to replay the battle with the Reaper in his mind. The thing about the fight that surprised him the most is that he actually managed to win. He honestly thought he was going to die in the fight.

After walking for quite some time, (F/N) finally spots a cabin up ahead. It is covered in snow and does not appear to have been used all that much recently. (F/N) assumes that is where he is supposed to go, since he has not seen any other buildings along the path.

When (F/N) reaches the door to the cabin, he inserts the key that he got off of the Reaper's body. As (F/N) was expecting the key goes in without any problems. This then allows (F/N) to unlock the door and walk into the cabin.

Upon entering the cabin, (F/N) looks for a light source so he will be able to see the inside of the cabin more clearly. He finds this in the form of a candle sitting on a table near the entrance to the cabin. (F/N) goes over and lights the candle to provide some light to the room.

Once the candle is light, (F/N) is able to see that the cabin is very small which he already figured would be the case. It contains a large assortment of weapons, a small futon for sleeping on, a table that is littered with wanted posters as well as other documents indicating targets for assassination. There is also a book with a letter sitting on top of it.

(F/N) first decides to look at the letter that is sitting on top of the book. When he opens the letter he finds that it reads:

"To my successor. The fact that you are reading this means that you have defeated me in the succession battle and now are officially the Reaper. You may now use the sword technique that I taught you all those years ago. I am sure that with its use you will be able to become a legendary assassin just like me and carry on the name of the Reaper.

"I expect that you likely have many questions about what it means to be the Reaper. I cannot answer all of them for you in this simple letter. However, I have left a book on the table that was written by the very first Reaper. It shares the true reason for the existence of the Reaper, as well as a great deal of other things. Most of the material in it just tells the history of a long forgotten country. However, it is from that country that the Reaper was born. I suggest you read the whole book. By doing that you will understand your position as the Reaper much better.

"As my parting words to you, I ask that you carry on the legacy of the Reaper and help to purge this Empire of the corruption that has long plagued it. I now officially name you the one hundred and eighty-seventh Reaper."


Genzo Logton, One Hundred and Eighty-sixth Reaper

Following reading this letter, (F/N) puts it to the side and then pulls up a chair. He then proceeds to open the book that is sitting on the table to see what exactly it has to say. Just from looking at it (F/N) can already tell that the book is hundreds of years old. Since he just learned that apparently there have been over a hundred different Reapers, he figures that it makes sense for the first Reaper to have lived a long time ago.

As (F/N) begins to read the book that he found, he learns that it was written by a man named Kenneth. This man was the king of the Western Nation almost a thousand years ago. In the book it tells of how after the Empire created the weapons known as Teigu, they began to expand their control of the world beyond what it once was. In the process of doing this the Empire invaded the Western Nation, who had been long standing allies of the Empire.

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