Chapter 16: Oarburgh Assault Part 2

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Having learned from Kurome what is going on, F/N leaves the town to go and find the members of the Elite Seven. F/N is fairly sure they will be on their way already but decides meeting up with them will still be of benefit. That way the assault they make on the Oarburgh clan infested city can be well coordinated. As F/N is traveling he notices that the Oarburgh assassin base has very limited defenses. F/N figures this is a result of them not expecting an attack. To F/N this is foolish as they did kidnap several members of the Elite Seven, so they should be expecting to get attacked.

Soon F/N is able to find the members of the Elite Seven who are trying to stealthily approach the base of the Oarburgh clan. He notices that there are four more people traveling with them. One of them F/N recognizes to be Mez. F/N goes over to where Gozuki is at.

F/N: "So what are you up to?"

Gozuki jumps from hearing F/N and draws his sword to swing at F/N. F/N blocks the sword and then Gozuki realizes it is F/N.

Gozuki: "You are too good at sneaking for your own good. I almost killed you."

F/N: "We both know it would take more than that to kill me."

Gozuki: "That is true. Anyway my guess is you already know some of the situation."

F/N: "Yes I just met with Kurome and she explained some of it at least. I also saw the result of the attack on your base."

Gozuki: "Well right now we need to eliminate all of these members of the Oarburgh clan."

F/N: "I can help with that. I have been in the town they are staying in and saw the basic layout of their defenses. Most of the forces are located near the front gate. If you were to climb the walls on either side of the city you could get in without much effort. I would recommend you strike at night to increase the chances of the attack going well. Also this should give time for Akame and Kurome to enact the plan that they have come up with. If coordinated well we should be able to deal with the entire clan here without much issue."

Gozuki: "Alright I will give orders to the others. I want you to go with Green, Poney, and Tsukushi. We have the Four Rakshasa Demons with us. Mez will recognize you. As they work directly for the Prime Minister it is best they not see you."

F/N: "Not a problem. I will just stay out of sight as best I can. Also I would rather not work with Mez anyway."

With the plan now set up, F/N goes and meets up with Green, Poney, and Tsukushi. He explains the plan to them and they all get ready for the assault. As soon as night falls they begin the attack on the wall. Each of these four people is able to climb over the town wall with ease and begin advancing towards the town square. Unlike during the day there are more guards out now. F/N is able to kill them using his bow and arrows without making any noise. This allows the team to advance deep into the town without alerting the Oarburgh clan to their presence.

The group soon gets separated as Green rushes ahead. He appears to be worried about Akame and is in a hurry to go and find her. At first F/N thinks he should catch up to try and stop Green, but then decides against it as he could easily get spotted if he tried to catch Green. Deciding their best plan is to just follow behind, F/N, Poney, and Tsukushi follow Green hoping he will not get too far ahead of them.

By the time that F/N and the others catch up to Green they see that he has been fighting a butler. F/N suspects that the butler is a member of the Oarburgh clan. Seeing that Green is badly injured Poney rushes in to attack the man. Poney is able to put up a good fight against the butler and gets him to back away from Green. Soon a gunshot is heard as Tsukushi fires off a bullet at the butler. The butler begins to dodge it and the bullet changes course hitting the man in the head. This shot kills the man instantly.

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