Chapter 52: The Trek Home

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After the successful mission all of Night Raid is inside their temporary base in Kyoroch. Despite having succeeded in their mission none of the members of Night Raid are in all that high of spirits. The death of Susanoo has hit the group hard. Najenda has been affected the most by his passing, as is to be expected. However, despite all of this she calls for a meeting the following morning.

Najenda: "Well done on completing the mission yesterday. I was expecting higher casualties in fighting against Esdeath. Yet none of us died in the fight other than Susanoo. We shall be leaving Kyoroch today and making our way back to the Capital."

(F/N): "What path are you planning on taking back to the Capital?"

Najenda: "The most natural choice would be the western road. However, I am sure that it will be well protected as the Jaegers are sure to want to keep us from making it back to the Capital. As such it may take longer, but we will head north and then west through the trees. By doing so we will be able to avoid the Jaegers completely."

(F/N): "I apologize for having to do this now, but I have business I have to take care of on the western road. Even if we took it, I would have to split from the group eventually. However, as that is not the path you plan on taking I am as well just go my own way from the start."

Tatsumi: "So you are abandoning us after this fight."

(F/N): "Not really. I made a promise years ago, even before I met Akame that I must keep. It has come time for me to make good on that promise. To do so I have to travel on the western road. After I have finished my business I will make my way to our base near the Capital as well."

Akame: "I am sure whatever you need to do is important, so I won't try to stop you. Just make sure that you come back."

(F/N): "I wish that is a promise I could make. I honestly don't know if I will survive the battle that I must undertake. However, I will try my best to survive."

Najenda: "It is clear to me that even if I ordered you to not go, you still would. However, I must ask if the danger of fulfilling this promise is worth the damage the revolution would take if you fail."

(F/N): "That is something I don't know. However, the person I made the promise to I owe a great deal to. As such I cannot go back on my promise."

Najenda: "Just try to be safe."

Following that meeting the members of Night Raid all begin making their preparations to leave behind Kyoroch. This does not take very long, as none of them had all that much that they brought to begin with. Once this is done they say farewell to (F/N) as he leaves ahead of everyone to make his way along the western road. As he goes, he is worried about if he really is strong enough to defeat the Reaper in battle. Regardless of if he is or not, (F/N) knows that he needs to go to meet the Reaper for the succession battle.

Once they have all said goodbye to (F/N) the rest of the members of Night Raid wait until dark, and then make their way north out of the city. As they begin traveling all of them are rather quiet thinking about how much this mission really cost them. However, as a result of this mission the revolution is going to be able to get underway in just a short amount of time.

The members of Night Raid leave the city limits under the cover of dark and travel north for a short distance before they finally change course and start heading west, back towards the Capital. The mood slowly starts to improve after they have been traveling for several days. Although it is clear that many of them are worried about if (F/N) will be able to make it back to the Capital safely.

After having traveled for several days, the team decides that they should stop and rest for a day. Tatsumi and Chelsea go out to gather firewood for the group, while Akame and Leone go and hunt for food. Mine and Najenda stay back at the campsite that they have set up for the day.

Reaper of the Empire (Akame Ga Kill x Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz