Chapter 23: New Beginning

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As promised, Leone went back and got the bodies of Sayo and Ieyasu from Aria's shed. She gave them to Tastusmi so that he could bury them. Leone also showed Tatsumi where he could bury them at the base. F/N decides to help Tatsumi with the burial of his friends while all of the other members of Night Raid head into the base, to go to sleep. The entire time that F/N and Tatsumi are burying Sayo and Ieyasu, Tatsumi is crying over the passing of his friends. F/N is emotionless through the endeavor. His reason for helping is he wants Tatsumi to get some closer with his friends.

Once the burial of Sayo and Ieyasu is complete, F/N and Tatsumi go to the rooms that they have been assigned inside of Night Raid's hideout. F/N wedges his dagger under the door to prevent someone from entering the room while he is sleeping. After doing so F/N goes to sleep on the bed that is in the room. He figures that tomorrow Akame will probably explain more to him about Night Raid. He is looking forward to learning more about them.

The following morning F/N gets up early and does some training. Unlike the previous night F/N decides to not wear an overcoat, and is instead just wearing a short sleeve shirt like usual. He has the bracelet he got many years ago on, along with the mysterious key in his pocket. By the time that F/N is done training all of the others have already eaten. F/N looks for some food to eat in the kitchen and finds some food, which he eats. During this whole time F/N does not see any of the members of Night Raid, which he finds rather strange.

After he has eaten, F/N goes outside to see if any of the members of Night Raid are outside. He finds Tatsumi sitting in front of the graves that they made yesterday. F/N walks over to him to see how he is doing.

F/N: "How are you holding up Tatsumi?"

Tatsumi: "I will be alright. I just never thought that I would lose my friends like this. Worse still I have been abducted by a group of assassins."

F/N: "You were not exactly abducted. However, I get your point."

Tatsumi: "Do you really think they want us to join them? I know you said that you are an assassin, but I have a hard time believing they want us to join them."

F/N: "This is the second time I have been offered to join them, so I figure they probably mean it for me. As for you I am not sure why Leone took such an interest in you. You did kill Aria, but still I didn't think you were all that impressive."

Tatsumi: "So you don't think I am that impressive."

F/N: "You must be good with a sword as you survived against Akame. However, there is a lot more to being an assassin than that. Also you don't really have the personality to be an assassin. You seem too nice and gullible."

Tatsumi: "I am sure I would be good at it if I wanted to be. I just don't want to kill people."

F/N: "Perhaps you are right. I cannot say for sure, as with training you may become quite a skilled assassin."

Before the two can continue their conversation Leone walks up behind Tatsumi. She rests her chest on his head and asks him, "Have you decided to join us yet?"

Tatsumi jumps back, getting away from Leone as soon as her chest hits his head.

Tatsumi: "I really don't want to kill people."

Leone: "Well I am going to introduce you to everyone anyway. Do you want to come along too F/N? I know you are planning on joining us so you should meet everyone too."

F/N: "I think that is a good idea, so yes I will join you."

Leone first leads the two into the dining area where there is a purple haired girl that is reading a book. She is the girl that F/N saw with the large scissors the previous night.

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