Chapter 51: Kill the Fallen Priest

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After a short break for (F/N) to recover from using all of his stored energy, Mine and (F/N) returned to Night Raid's base. They report on what happened and on the deaths of Seryu and Suzuka. (F/N) leaves out the fact that the Reaper was the one that killed Suzuka, not him. Najenda hears the report and agrees that (F/N) made the right choice in saving Mine even though it cost him all of the energy he had stored in his Teigu.

The following day proves to be uneventful for Night Raid as they make preparations for the attack on the cathedral to kill Bolic that night. It is decided that Najenda, Susanoo, Tatsumi, and Leone will go through the tunnels to attack. The other team is to be a decoy and try to lure as many of the Jaegers away from Bolic as possible. That team consists of Chelsea, Mine, (F/N), and Akame. They are to take an air manta and fly to the cathedral. Najenda is hoping that by splitting up like this they will be able to split up the Jaegers. Her only real concern is what Esdeath will do. If Esdeath stays near Bolic it will be hard for Night Raid to assassinate him as planned.

Meanwhile Esdeath is making her own plans for the night's events. As Bolic plans to kill the Lord of the Path of Peace the following day, Esdeath expects that Najenda will have to make her move tonight. Since Esdeath is not sure how Night Raid will strike she has ordered Run and Wave to patrol outside. Kurome and Esdeath are going to be inside the cathedral near Bolic. Esdeath is hoping that Najenda will come herself so she can kill her personally.

As night approaches Susanoo prepares a lavish dinner for all of the members of Night Raid to enjoy. He makes each member of the team their favorite meal. For Leone that is saka and other kinds of alcohol. Mine gets a strawberry parfait, while Akame gets a plate of many types of meat. Tatsumi said that he was not picky and got a small plate of rice, corn, and chicken. (F/N) got some wild boar meat from a danger beast boar that Susanoo found near Kyoroch. Chelsea got a dish including many different sweet flavors. While the team is eating Chelsea tries to share some of her food with Tatsumi, only to have Leone pull him away to pour her a drink. This annoys Chelsea greatly.

Once everyone has finished their meals the team heads out for the mission. (F/N), Akame, Mine, and Chelsea all get on the air manta and take off. Their team is hoping to draw Esdeath out of the cathedral. The air manta takes off towards the cathedral and gets fairly close before anything happens. However, once the air manta is near the cathedral feathers start flying at them. Looking up, (F/N) sees that Run is attacking them.

Chelsea, who is steering the air manta, tries to avoid the incoming feathers. This however does not work for long as the feathers pierce through the air manta's wings and then one goes through its head. This kills the beast and the whole team starts to go down. As the landing is sure to be a rough one the members of Night Raid all position themselves so that the air manta will take the blunt of the fall. The air manta crashes into some trees that are near the cathedral.

As soon as the air manta has hit the ground all of the members of Night Raid quickly jump off of the air manta and prepare themselves for a battle that they are sure is to follow. (F/N) sees both Run and Wave are outside of the cathedral and coming their way. Since Esdeath is not with them, (F/N) assumes that she is still inside protecting Bolic. The whole point of splitting up the team was to make sure that Esdeath was not near Bolic, so that Night Raid could kill him. Since that has failed (F/N) decides it would be best for as many members of Night Raid to head into the cathedral to help kill Bolic as possible.

(F/N): "We need to split up. Some of us should head into the cathedral."
Mine: "I can handle Run. Since he is flying it would be hard for any of you to fight him."

Akame: "I can go after Wave."

(F/N): "Let me take Wave. Akame you go inside with Chelsea. Your sword will not do much against him."

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