Chapter 26: Settling In

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The day following Tatsumi's successful assassination of Ogre, he and F/N have a day off. The rest of the team returned to base after having completed the missions that they were given previously during that day as well. All of them are completely fine with no issues on the mission. F/N is expecting that he will be assigned to work with one of them the following day for a mission. To his surprise Najenda tells F/N to stay at base for the following day so that she can appraise his talents with various weapons.

While the team is eating dinner on that day, Lubbock announces to everyone that someone is pulling on this string barrier he has set around the base to alert them of intruders. Hearing this Najenda mobilizes Night Raid to deal with the intruders so they cannot share the location of Night Raid's base with anyone. The group is also told that those that have trespassed are likely tribal assassins as they managed to get close to Night Raid's base.

As the whole team mobilizes to deal with the intruders, Mine and Sheele go one way while Tatsumi and Bulat go another. Akame and Leone both go off on their own. This leaves F/N and Lubbock who decide to travel together as Lubbock is not great at close combat compared to most of the team. The reason for spreading out like this is so they can make sure to get rid of all the intruders while still keeping all of the team members safe.

Lubbock informs F/N that he thinks there is someone caught in a string trap in a cave near the base, so the two of them head that way. On the way F/N hears a loud gunshot which Lubbock identifies as having come from Mine's weapon called Pumpkin. F/N figures with the blast he saw that the person who got hit probably even had their bones disintegrated.

The two of them arrive at the cave to see that a girl has been caught in Lubbock's string attack and is covered in cuts from the threads biting into her flesh. The girl sees the two of them and says, "Please let me out of this. I was just wandering around and got lost."

Lubbock: "Sorry sweetheart, but I cannot do that. You got too close to our base for me to let you live now."

Girl: "Oh please let me go I will do anything that you want if you let me go."

Lubbock: "Way too many people get killed after hearing that, so I cannot let you go. Sorry."

Following this exchange Lubbock pulls the threads around the girl tight and they cut through her killing the girl instantly. As Lubbock finishes this girl the two of them start to walk back to the base. Lubbock mumbles under his breath as they go, "Man this job is disappointing sometimes." F/N hears this and replies, "Why do you feel this job is disappointing? She was a spy and you killed her. That is really all that there is to it."

Lubbock: "Don't you feel bad whenever you kill a pretty girl?"

F/N: "No not really. I have killed a lot of people, but I haven't really ever felt bad about it. Also I have never had to kill a girl that I thought was pretty."

Lubbock: "Well I guess you have just got lucky then."

F/N: "Not really, I have only met about three girls that I have thought were attractive, so it would be odd if I had actually had to kill any of them since there are so few."

Lubbock: "So you just don't find many girls attractive is that it?"

F/N: "Basically. I was trained from birth to be an assassin so I don't think too much about things that don't pertain to what I was raised to do."

Lubbock: "Well what girls do you find attractive then?"

F/N: "Perhaps I will tell you some other time. For now we need to focus on getting rid of the rest of the intruders."

Lubbock: "I am sure that the others have gotten them all already."

At this moment a person jumps out from behind a tree that Lubbock and F/N are walking by. F/N blocks the person's attack on Lubbock using his sword. Then before the man that attacked has a chance to move, F/N has drawn his dagger and cut off the man's head. As the man dies F/N says, "You should be more aware of your surroundings. I would have warned you about that guy, but then he would not have relieved himself. You should have noticed he was there though."

Reaper of the Empire (Akame Ga Kill x Male Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ