Chapter 38: Training in the Mountains

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Following Chelsea injecting the white Teigu liquid into F/N's spinal cord, he has remained in his room. The members of Night Raid all rotate helping him with things. Mostly this amounts to helping him eat and keeping him company. After two weeks, F/N is starting to feel better and moves around some. However, Chelsea has told him to wait to start training still until he has healed more as a precaution. She believes that he will be fine, but that it would be best for him to keep healing as best he can. F/N has also not tried to use his new Teigu powers, as using a Teigu is quite straining on the user.

While F/N has been resting inside of the base the other members of Night Raid have been out training to get even stronger. Tatsumi and Leone go out hunting in the forest. While they are out hunting Leone spots a Marg Don danger beast. These are giant lizards that hunt in packs. The two of them decide to follow the Marg Don back to the pasture by a cliff side where the giant lizards are located.

Once they have arrived at the pasture Leone and Tatsumi decide to scare off the beasts as they are too close to Night Raid's base. Tatsumi charges in, while wearing Incursio and attacks them. He is able to summon the hidden polearm of Incursio, which he uses to slice one of the Marg Don in half. Leone gets surrounded by several of the smaller lizards and knocks them to the side. While she is fighting Leone realizes that the Marg Don just keep coming.

Looking around to see what is causing the Marg Don to come this way, Leone spots a larger Marg Don hiding in a break in the cliff side. She determines that it must by the alpha of the pack. Leone rushes forward at the alpha, jumping over the heads of several of the other lizards. She then makes it to the lizard and punches it in the side of the head. The alpha lizard slams into the cliff side. It manages to recover and attacks Leone. She is able to dodge its charging attack. However, it next breathes fire at her. Leone dodges the fire and jumps up into the air. She then comes down bringing her joined fists down on the alpha lizards head. Its head is driven to the ground and its skull breaks from the impact.

With the death of the alpha Marg Don, the others start to flee. They head back to their nest further into the forested area. Now that they have succeeded in driving the danger beasts further away from their base, Leone and Tatsumi start to head back to Night Raid's base. Both of them figure they have done enough training for the day and that it is starting to get late.

Shortly after Tatsumi and Leone get back to Night Raid's temporary base, everyone sits down for a dinner that Susanoo and Akame have prepared for everyone. The two of them went fishing earlier that day and were able to catch a giant fish. Akame reeled the fish in, which was then promptly killed by Susanoo. This giant fish is now serving as the dinner for the members of Night Raid for that night. While eating the team gets to talking.

Najenda: "So how did everyone's training go today?"

Leone: "Tatsumi has gotten much better. He is even able to summon Incursio's polearm Neuntote now."

Tatsumi: "I am just trying to level up as fast as I can so I can help everyone."

Najenda: "From what I have heard you have gotten much better as of late."

Tatsumi: "I am trying the best that I can."

Najenda: "Also F/N, how is your recovery coming?"

F/N: "I feel quite a bit better. I can move around now without much pain. Chelsea still thinks it is best I don't train much though. I should be fully recovered in another week or two."

Chelsea: "Honestly you probably should wait to train for quite a bit longer. However, you have recovered faster than I was expecting. In about a week you could start doing some training, however expect it to hurt quite a bit."

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