Chapter 10: A Friend

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Having successfully killed all of the Howling Dog bandit crew members, F/N heads out of the fort that they were using as a base. Once F/N is outside the fort again, he finds the bandits pack of dogs still feasting on the bodies of the dead bandits. F/N considers killing them, but decides that they are not doing any real harm so he leaves them alone. F/N starts to make his way out of the fort, when a voice calls from behind him, "Aren't you going to free us?" F/N turns to see the tied up girls. The one that spoke is about his age and has red hair, with green eyes.

F/N: "Oh right. I forgot about all of you."

Tied up Girl: "Didn't you come here to free us?"

F/N: "I came here to kill these bandits, but I suppose I should free you."

Tied up Girl: "Of course you should. If you left us here, it would be no different then killing us."

F/N: "You are right, my bad."

F/N proceeds to untie the cords on each of the girls. This allows them to move freely. Some of the girls have a hard time standing up, as some of them have not moved from the posts in weeks. Many of them are too weak from hunger to move. F/N decides to go into the fort, with what girls can walk to gather food for all of them. The group takes all of the food out of the fort and brings it to the girls that are outside. The food is distributed among the fifty girls evenly. F/N watches as they feast upon the food that they have just acquired.

Having now released the girls, F/N begins to leave again. The same girl as before says, "Hey wait. You can't just leave us here."

F/N: "Sure I can. You are all free. Do whatever you want?"

Girl: "No, you need to take us back to the Capital now. Once we are safely there, then you have finished your job."

F/N: "What job do you think I am doing? I just came here to kill these bandits. I never said I was planning on rescuing all of you."

Girl: "Too bad. You have already started to help us so you cannot stop now."

F/N: "Fine. What is your name anyway?"

Girl: "I am Anne. I am the daughter of a family of nobles in the Capital."

F/N: "I don't really care, but good for you. I guess."

After the girls have finished eating, they next want to take the treasure that the bandits left. F/N reluctantly helps them gather the gold and other valuables that are in the fort. Once all of this has been gathered, and distributed so that each girl is carrying as much as she can, they head back to the Capital. The entire way back F/N listens to the girls tell him about their families. Most of them come from poor families in the Capital however a few of them are from some of the richer families in the Empire. All of them are beyond grateful for the aid that he provided them. F/N has to admit that it feels good to hear about how much he helped. However, in the back of his mind F/N cannot stop thinking that he does not work as an assassin for praise. In fact, he would rather not receive it some of the time as he realizes that he is constantly taking the lives of other people. He knows the people are bad that he kills, but he cannot help but think of how what he is doing is not that great either. Despite all of this he does it because that is what he has been trained since birth to do, so he figures it is what he should do.

Once they arrive back at the Capital the girls all go their separate ways heading to their homes. F/N is about to head back to his home in the forest as well, when he sees that Anne is standing next to him still.

F/N: "Do you need something? I am pretty sure I did everything you asked me to."

Anne: "You did, even if you were reluctant. You know what you have done is a really good thing."

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