Chapter 33: The Lost Teigu

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After wandering around Tensui village for a while F/N is ready to give up. He has no idea what he is looking for and starts to think it was foolish to have come to the village. As he prepares to leave he gets the same feeling of something calling to him, he got with the key years ago. F/N rushes to where he feels it coming from to find nothing, but dirt in the center of the city.

Figuring that it may be underground, F/N starts to dig down hoping that he will be able to find something. Since he feels like something is calling to him again, he thinks whatever it is must be tied to the key. As F/N digs he hits something hard. Not wanting to waste time, F/N begins to use his sword to try to break whatever it is that he is hitting. He soon realizes that this is getting him nowhere and gives up.

Hoping that it will pay off, F/N starts to dig along following the hard substance he hit, hoping that it gives way at some point. Following it along, F/N finds that it leads into a house. F/N searches the floor of the house by tearing it up. Doing so reveals a trap door. F/N breaks the lock on the door and descends into the passage below. Looking up F/N sees that the passage he is in has a metal roof, which he determines is what he must have been hitting that was hard.

Since he has come this far, F/N decides there is no turning back now and heads down the passage hoping to find a Teigu at the end of it. The passage slowly descends deeper into the Earth as F/N walks. After walking in the dark for what seems like a long time, F/N finally comes to a lighted area in the passage. The light is coming from troches that are fixed to a wall with a door in it. F/N comes to the door and sees that it is made out of oricalcum. He knows that there is no way he is breaking the door down and determines that it is locked with a small key hole.

F/N pulls the key from his pocket hoping that it will fit the lock. As F/N slides the key in an turns he hears the clicking sound of the door unlocking. F/N opens the door slowly not sure what to expect inside. As he opens it F/N sees that the door leads to a cave, and that there is a monolith near the doorway with writing on it. The monolith reads: "Turn back now while you still are alive. Buried here is something that should not exist in this world. Merely touching it has brought the death of hundreds of men. We buried it here, and used oricalcum to seal the door, so that none would find it. Now that it has been found, we beg you to turn back and seal this place once more. Hide the key that you undoubtedly found. It is made of a metal we could not break else it would not still exist.

Reading this warning F/N thinks, "This may really be what I am looking for. At least it is what the key goes to if nothing else. I have had this stupid key for over eight years, there is no way I am not finding out what is buried here now. Hopefully I will survive touching whatever it is. Plus the Empire is going to be coming here soon anyway, so whatever it is will get disturbed when they get here anyway."

Having decided he will move on, F/N pulls one of the torches from the wall and walks into the cave. He soon finds that inside the cave there is a drop off to a pit five feet below. F/N can see that in the pit there is something slithering. His guess is that there are snakes down there that have somehow survived for a thousand years, probably by eating their dead. His guess is that they are poisonous, so going that way is out. Walking along the drop off, F/N finds that the only way to move forward is through the snake pit.

F/N decides that the best way he is going to survive down there is by creating a bridge of some kind using rocks. He gets to work at breaking loose large rocks using his throwing knives. He plans to drop the rocks down below, to create a path for him to walk on. He makes them large enough that the snakes will not be able to climb up them. Then once he has some made he drops the first down right where he plans to drop into the pit. He watches the rock fall and crush some snakes. Then he observes to see if the snakes will try to climb onto it. They try and are not able to get anywhere near the top of it.

Reaper of the Empire (Akame Ga Kill x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora