Chapter 22: Seeing the Corruption

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That night after eating dinner Tatsumi and F/N return to the guest rooms that they are staying in. As soon as he enters the room, F/N blocks the door and starts to make a plan on how to get outside the house. He noticed as he was going to his room there are quite a few guards outside. If he is right and there is something in the shed, they are not going to let him reach it. This means he must find a way to sneak out of the mansion, without being spotted by any of the guards. As a precaution he plans to kill any guards that spot him to cover his tracks in looking in the shed. He grabs his sword and dagger. He also puts on an overcoat that hides his weapons from view. Then F/N unblocks the door and gets ready to move.

With himself now prepared F/N heads out of his room. He hears some commotion outside and walks over to the window. Outside the window he sees a group of people that appear to be hovering in mid-air. He also notices that the guards all seem to be dead. Looking closer at the ground, he sees Tatsumi running towards the brick shed on the property. He also believes that he can make out Aria and the guard from earlier at the shed. He sees one of the other people rush after them. F/N thinks, "I guess I was right. They must have done something bad, as assassins have come for them. I wonder what group of assassins this is. It may be Night Raid."

As the guards are all now dead F/N figures he may as well rush to get out of the house and to the shed to find out what is in there. It is possible these assassins are killing innocent people, so he needs to find out the truth as soon as he can. F/N rushes down the hall and turns to see the body of Aria's mother cut in half on the ground. He also sees a purple-haired girl with a giant pair of scissors walking away from the body.

F/N ignores the girl running right past her. He makes it to the door, which he sees has been broken down. F/N thinks, "Not very subtle are they. I never break the door down when I am doing an assignment." He runs through the open door and outside. F/N continues on his path to the shed, but is blocked by a woman with cat ears who had left the mansion just moments before F/N did.

Cat Eared-woman: "I am sorry, but I cannot let you go over there. You could interfere with our work. Since you're not a target we don't need to kill you, so I guess you are lucky in that regard."

F/N: "I don't really plan to interfere with what you are doing. Since assassins came after this family I figure they probably deserve it. However, I want to make sure by checking the shed over there. Ever since this family offered to give me a place to stay I have been trying to determine if they are the serial killer family I heard about. I checked the whole mansion and found no evidence, and was planning on checking the shed tonight when you all showed up."

Cat Eared-woman: "So you just want to verify that we are not killing innocent people."

F/N: "Pretty much. They seemed fishy as soon as I met them, so my guess is they are not innocent people, but I need to make sure."

Cat Eared woman: "Well I guess I can escort you to the shed to make sure you don't interfere with our mission."

F/N: "Whatever. Lets go."

The woman leads F/N over towards the shed where a commotion is going on. F/N can see that Tatsumi is trying to protect Aria from a girl that has her back to F/N. As F/N and the woman are walking up, Tatsumi calls over to F/N.

Tatsumi: "Hey F/N come help me protect Aria from this girl. They are trying to kill her even though she has not done anything wrong."

F/N: "First I want to look in the shed."

The girl turns around and F/N sees that it is Akame.

Akame: "F/N is that you?"

F/N: "It is good to see you Akame. So I take it that this group of assassins is Night Raid."

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