Chapter 31: Weak

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The following morning Najenda calls the whole team together to discuss some important information.

Najenda: "We have received word that Esdeath has quelled the uprising in the north and is back in the Capital. She wields a Teigu that can create ice out of thin air. Leone, I want you to observe her and try to learn anything you can."

Leone: "I have always wondered what kind of person she is."

Najenda: "She is a psychopath that loves war and bloodshed. Exercise extreme caution."

F/N: "Since I don't have an aura, do you think it would be better if I go to observe her."

Najenda: "Actually that may be a better idea. I also can trust that you won't try to attack her. Alright change of plans, F/N will go and observe Esdeath."

Leone: "Don't be stealing my job F/N."
F/N: "Sorry. I just thought that I would make a better choice for the mission."

Najenda: "We have another piece of business to discuss. Ever since Esdeath has returned from the Capital assassinations have been happening all over the place. At each scene they leave these flyers."

Najenda holds up a flyer with Night Raid's logo on it, that claims the assassination was done by Night Raid.

Tatsumi: "Those flyers don't look all that legit. So I doubt anyone will believe we are actually doing these assassinations."

Najenda: "That was the thought of others at first too. However, public opinion has changed. All of the targets have been highly guarded. In total there have been six government officials and sixty-one bodyguards killed."

Mine: "There are not too many people who could pull that off."

Akame: "It would either need to be us, or someone equally as skilled."

Najenda: "That's right. It is likely this is a trap and those committing these actions are Teigu users. That being said there is another important piece of information to mention. All of the targets have been people that have opposed the minister's actions and see the need for a revolution. We will need people like them when we start forming the new government. I would like to hear all of your opinions."

Tatsumi: "I don't really get all the political stuff, but someone abusing Night Raid's name like that really pisses me off. I say we get them."

Bulat: "You know Tatsumi, you are exactly right."

All the members of the team agree to move against the imposters.

Najenda: "Very well, there are two targets they could likely go after next. Akame and Lubbock you will guard the one target, while Tatsumi and Bulat guard the other. Let's show these guys what happens when you abuse Night Raid's name."

Following the strategy meeting, everyone goes their separate ways. Akame and Lubbock are going to a village where a man is distributing rice to refugees, while Tatsumi and Bulat are headed to the Ryuusen, an imperial cruise ship. F/N wishes both teams the best of luck as he prepares for his own mission to track down General Esdeath and learn about her.

Once F/N has entered the Capital it takes no time at all to track down where Esdeath is located. It would seem that she is quite popular among the people in the Empire. F/N decides before going and observing her, he will learn all that he can about her from the citizens of the Empire. The most common thing that he learns is that Esdeath is a powerful general in the military on par with Great General Budo, the Emperor's personal guard. She is loved by most of the people as she often will donate any money that she wins to the soldiers under her command. This has caused her soldiers to love and respect her. The citizens view her as an amazingly charitable person for doing this.

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