Chapter 13: Girls in the Forest

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F/N continues to work as an assassin for several years, eliminating those that he judges as evil people in the world. Many of the targets that he eliminates are attributed to being killed by the revolutionary army, since they are gaining momentum. F/N is able to avoid any real suspicion as he travels in the Capital as most people have seen him at least once by now and assume he lives there. He still trains daily to prepare himself for any situation. As F/N does not have much use for the money that he collects from those that he kills, he has a fairly large stockpile of valuable items. He keeps all of the valuables that he takes as payment for his jobs in a hollowed out tree. What he does spend goes toward items that he can use to improve his hunting and assassination jobs.

In addition, to his usual training F/N comes upon several books on swordsmanship form one of the targets that he eliminates. He begins to read these books to learn more about how to fight. F/N learns several different types of swordplay from this book that he thinks will be of use for him to become an even better fighter than he already is. While F/N prefers to kill his targets immediately using stealth he recognizes the need to know how to fight in close quarters as well.

Another book that F/N acquires that interests him is one on weapons called Teigu. F/N learns that there are 48 of these weapons created by the First Emperor. Each of them has many interesting powers. The book does not contain all of them however, it does talk about the One Hit Killer- Murasame which F/N recognized to be Gozuki's sword. As he reads F/N starts to question if it would be worth his time to try and get a Teigu himself. He is not sure where he will find one. However, he knows that they are powerful weapons, so it would be in his best interest if he could locate one somewhere.

One day while F/N is out hunting he comes upon a huge danger beast boar. The boar is busy eating something and does not appear to be stopping anytime soon. This gives a huge opening for F/N to strike in. F/N figures that this boar must be a special danger beast as it is twice the size of the usual danger beast boars that he has killed. As boar is one of F/N's favorite meats that he has eaten since he moved into the forest, he is excited to kill the beast and take it home to serve as a meal for several days.

F/N advances on the distracted boar, and with a single cut from his katana kills the boar by slicing it's head off. Now with the prey dead, F/N begins to determine the best way to carry the boar back. Eventually he settles on tying it to his back using some of the rope that he bought from the Capital recently. Once the boar is securely tied to his back, F/N begins to make his way out of the area, returning back to where he usually stays in the forest.

As F/N is on his way back to his base, he hears what sounds like two girls talking as they walk through the forest.

Girl 1: "I am getting hungry, how close are we to base?"

Girl 2: "Not far Kurome. We are almost to the clearing now."

Kurome: "We should hurry back. I hope that they will have some good food prepared."

Girl 2: "I am sure there will be something for you to eat when we get back."

Kurome: "Good. This scouting mission was really boring and we haven't had a chance to eat all day."

Girl 2: "I know, I am hungry too you know."

Kurome: "We could stop to hunt some of the beasts in the forest. They will taste better than anything that we will get at base anyway."

Girl 2: "We are ahead of schedule so I guess we have time to hunt, if we make it quick."

Kurome: "Great so what beast should we kill?"

Girl 2: "Any would probably do."

Kurome: "Well I guess we could just kill the next one that we see then."

Girl 2: "Sure that works for me."

At this point in the girl's conversation F/N has reached about where the girls are in the forest. Since he is carrying a heavy boar the girls can easily hear him coming as he gets close to them. Both of them turn to see what the sound they hear is coming from to see F/N, with the giant boar on his back.

Kurome: "Wow that is a huge boar you have there. Would you mind sharing with us? We are both hungry."

F/N: "Why would I share my food for the next several days with you?"

Kurome: "That is way too much for you to eat by yourself. We can pay you for it too."

F/N: "I am not interested in money, since I have no need for it. I live in this forest, and it provides me everything that I need."

Girl 2: "We would appreciate it if you could spare some."

F/N: "I said that I was not going to, so stop asking."

Kurome: "Oh come on, it looks really tasty."

F/N: "No. Also why are you girls in this forest anyway. It is full of danger beasts."

Girl 2: "They are not a problem for us, we can take care of ourselves."

F/N: "Then you can hunt for yourselves as well."

Kurome: "Of course we can, but it is much easier if we just share with someone that already has more than he needs. Like you."

F/N: "I will make you a deal. In exchange for sharing my food with you, you can show me where your base that I overheard you talking about is located."

Girl 2: "So you heard us. Well sorry we cannot let you leave now."

F/N: "Sure you can. I have lived in this forest for years, and mostly want to make sure anyone else in the forest is not going to be hostile to me. I don't really care who you are or what you are doing in the forest, as long as you are not a threat to me."

Kurome: "Since he overheard us, I guess we could take him back to base to let one of them decide what to do with him."

Girl 2: "I guess letting Father decide what to do with him is for the best."

Kurome: "Good then it is a deal. We will show you our base, and you will share some of the meat you have with us."

F/N: "Alright that works for me. What are your names by the way?"

Kurome: "I am Kurome."

Girl 2: "I am Akame."

F/N: "Nice to meet you Kurome and Akame. I am F/N."

After this discussion the three start a fire and cook up the boar that F/N was carrying. Then all three of them start to eat the boar. Both of the girls start shoving the meat into their mouths like they have not eaten in weeks. F/N is stunned by how much both of the girls eat. In the end the entire boar gets devoured. A meal that would have lasted F/N about four days, was eaten in one sitting by these two girls and F/N. F/N figures they must have been starving to have eaten as much as they did. However, it could be they just always eat a lot.

This is the first time that F/N has spent time with people since his training sessions with The Reaper. Sure he talks to people from time to time, however it is always just to find the next target to kill. This is the first time in years that F/N has been able to talk to someone without having to think about if he should kill the person he is learning about, or not. It is somewhat refreshing to be able to just talk to these girls.

F/N learns from the girls that they are sisters, with Akame being the older one. Neither of them seems keen on sharing much more than that. F/N asks about why they are in the forest and he receives no response. He also asks them about the base that they are going to show him, and learns nothing. All this secrecy makes F/N think that the girls are assassins or something like that.

Despite both of the girls brushing off the questions that he asks them for the most part, they both ask him questions as well. Unlike them F/N answers their questions, not always telling the whole truth. He tells them that he lives in the forest as a hunter and has done so for years. He also explains how he was disowned by his father due to a misunderstanding, which he leaves the details out of. All of what F/N says is to test to see if the girls are people that he will eventually need to eliminate, or not. By the end of the conversation, F/N is convinced that the girls are decent enough of people.

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