Chapter 6: Being Disowned

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The boy rushes to the Capital forgetting to eat or drink anything. As the boy gets near the Capital he notices that some of the guards are staring at him. It appears to him like they are trying to decide if he is someone that they need to go after. This makes the boy be more on edge and he decides it would be best to sneak into the Capital. He does so by finding a carriage that is carrying some produce. He jumps in the back and buries himself under some of the produce. The carriage goes past the checkpoint and continues into the city.

Once he is sure that he has made it past the gates, the boy uncovers himself and jumps out of the carriage. He then begins to advance towards the home that he and Gozuki have shared for the past several years. He is successful in avoiding any more guards and very few people see him as well. The boy wonders, "Why are the guards here looking for me as well? I may just be being paranoid and making something out of nothing. I cannot help, but be concerned that something is going on. Maybe Father is a criminal or something and I just helped him. I am not sure, but hopefully Father will explain it when I get back."

As the boy reaches the house he is about to open the door when he hears unfamiliar voices inside. The boy decides to find a better location and sneak in not sure what to expect. As he does so he eavesdrops on the conversation the strangers are having.

Stranger 1: "This is going to be some easy money. All we have to do is kill some kid. Not only that, but we were told he would come right to us. This could not be any easier."

Stranger 2: "You're right. I cannot believe that Gozuki gave us such an easy job to do. I know that he is a famous assassin, but why would he want some kid dead?"

Stranger 3: "I heard that the boy killed the Lord of some City that Gozuki sent him too. He was supposed to kill off some foreign people that came into power in the city. He killed the Lord of the City as well though. Apparently, the Lord was newly appointed by the Prime Minister himself and this has infuriated the Prime Minister. Gozuki is trying to clean up this mess before it gets out of hand."

Stranger 2: "I guess that makes sense. He needs to save face and all that. I am just not sure why he couldn't do it himself."

Stranger 1: "He is busy getting his new assassin squad all set up. The group is a bunch of kids. I hear they are called the Elite Seven and are going to be trained by Gozuki personally."

Stranger 3: "Those kids are going to be tough to beat when he is done with them."

Stranger 2: "I know. I am a little worried as he said that he trained this boy we are after. Nonetheless if he thinks we can handle it, then I am sure we will be fine."

Stranger 1: "You're right. I mean he is one kid, so how hard can it be to kill him. There are five of us. It would only take one of us to kill him."

Stranger 4: "Don't be too cocky. We don't want to underestimate him and end up dead. I doubt he is much of a threat, but you never know."

Stranger 1: "Fine, I will be careful. I wonder how much longer he will be though. I guess it could be several days for all we know."

Stranger 2: "I am sure he will be here before we know it. All we need to do is be patient."

The boy has now reached a clear vantage point inside the house, after climbing through a window. He sees that there are five men in total in the room. The boy is more than a little confused about all of this. However, one of the men he recognizes as one of Gozuki's friends. He would come over from time to time and eat meals with them. The fact that he was one of the men talking makes it clear to the boy that his adopted father really does want him dead. The boy does not plan on dying just yet though.

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