Chapter 19: Night of Fire

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In the year 1024 F/N arrived back at his base near the Capital. As soon as F/N has reached his base in the forest by the Capital he goes through the items that he has gathered and hidden at his base. F/N makes a plan to go and buy books from the Capital that may be related to what he will learn from the book he bought in the west. Over the course of the years he has worked as an assassin, F/N has gathered over two million gold coins, which he has stashed inside hollowed out trees around his base. F/N assumes that no one has come near his base, and if they have no one has disturbed the money as F/N finds that it is all there.

F/N begins reading the book that he got from the west and quickly learns that it contains a great deal of information about Teigu and danger beasts. Some of the information it mentions is about danger beasts that F/N has not heard of, so F/N goes and buys some books from the Capital from a bookstore called Night Owl. The books mostly consist of information on rare danger beasts. F/N is hoping he can learn more about the various danger beasts that he has not heard of mentioned in the book he got in the west. One of particular interest is the king of the dragons.

When F/N returns to his base, he starts to read through the books on danger beasts. They do include brief information on the danger beasts that he is interested in. There is a short paragraph on the king of the dragons. However, none of the books that he purchased can tell him much about how the king of the dragons died. All he learns is that it was an extremely powerful danger beast that vanished about a thousand years ago. This does not help F/N much, but he figures it is good to know what the danger beasts he was interested in could do at least. The books also help F/N to learn about the danger beasts that he hunts. This results in F/N becoming an even better hunter than he already was.

In addition to his reading, F/N also continues to do physical training to help him stay well prepared to do assassin jobs. This training is done just as always and encompasses most of his day. Each day F/N spends eight hours training, six hours working as an assassin, and three hours reading. Then he sleeps for the remaining seven hours. F/N continues this routine, only changing it when he needs to go hunting for more food.

From all the reading that F/N has done, he decides that the weapon he hopes his key goes to was made using the danger beasts mentioned in the book. F/N is hoping to learn from the book something about where the weapon could be hidden. He has not found anything in the book yet that suggests to him where the weapon could be. He also is not sure the key he has even will unlock whatever the weapon is being held in.

After spending several weeks reading and learning what he can from the book, F/N decides he should head into the Capital to see if there is any new work for him to do. Almost as soon as F/N enters the Capital he hears rumors about a family that has been abducting people from the countryside that come to the Capital and then killing them. F/N is not able to find out who the family is, or much else. However, this case sounds just like the kind of mission that F/N would want to take.

While F/N is looking into this serial killer family, he remembers that he was going to deal with the Incineration squad in the Capital once he got back. As F/N is not really sure where the serial killer family is located, and he already knows that the Incineration squad is guilty, F/N heads towards where their base is in the Capital. His hope is that the assassination will go smoothly as he is underequipped with only his sword and hidden dagger.

F/N heads to the Incineration squad headquarters, which is on the outskirts of the Capital so he can carry out his assassination. F/N sneaks into the headquarters without any trouble as it is horribly guarded. In fact, it is so poorly guarded he is able to enter through the front door. Almost as soon as F/N enters the base, a member of the Incineration squad rushes at him. The man is not wearing any of his usual equipment as he is on break. The man asks, "What are you doing here? This base is for members of the Incineration squad only. You should leave, before you get hurt." F/N says, "I am so sorry, I am afraid I am lost. Could you point me towards the center of town? I am sure I will be able to find my way from there." The man sighs, "Fine, I will walk you there."

As the man walks F/N towards the center of the city, F/N waits for just the right moment when no one can see, and quickly draws his dagger slicing the neck of the Incineration squad member, killing the man. F/N then drags the body and puts it next to a barrel outside of a building. With the first of his targets dealt with, F/N decides that he will need to be more careful of how he enters the Incineration squad's headquarters next time.

Before long F/N is back at the base of the Incineration squad and has found a better entrance than the front door he used last time. This time F/N enters through a window on one side of the building. He quietly sneaks through the headquarters and kills each member of the Incineration squad before they have a chance to alert any of the other people in the base to F/N's presence. In total, he kills twelve men using this method.

As the twelfth man dies from getting his throat slit, he lets out a cry that the other members of the squad hear. They come running and before long, F/N is surrounded by seven men. All of the men are planning on killing F/N and have weapons with them. Luckily, F/N has a hood over his head so even if any escape they will not know what he looks like. The men rush in, and F/N cannot help but smile as he realizes the men are not well trained in close combat.

Within seconds three of the men that charged at F/N have died, as F/N kills them with ease using his sword. Two more rush in to attack F/N and meet the same fate, as F/N's sword cleaves both of their heads off. A sixth man, who appears to be better trained, comes at F/N as well. He is able to survive the first several strikes of F/N's blade by trying to dodge. Each time the man is too slow and F/N's katana cuts along the man's chest. This leaves three large gashes in the man's chest. F/N is about to finish the man off, when the seventh man rushes in to defend his comrade.

This seventh man is much larger than any of the others in the squad, being over seven feet tall. He has very little combat experience, which results in him getting injured by F/N very quickly. The tall Incineration squad member rushes at F/N to try and use his larger stature to his advantage. This does no good as F/N sidesteps the man's attack, while also cutting off the man's sword arm. F/N then proceeds to stab the man through the heart killing him.

With this threat now defeated, F/N turns to find the sixth man he was fighting. He cannot find him where he left his injured body. This worries F/N as he was hoping to deal with all of them at the same time. As a result of this, F/N starts to go through the base to try and find the missing man. He covers much of the base before he finally finds the man that he is looking for. This man is located in his room and has now equipped himself with a flamethrower, along with a gas mask. F/N recognizes both as belonging to the man that killed Poney.

The man turns to face F/N and turns the flamethrower on. F/N sees the attack coming and gets outside of the room just in time to not be hit by the flames. F/N runs through the base, as the man follows with the flamethrower. F/N is planning on getting to a safe spot to throw his dagger, into the man's heart. The man does not make this easy though as he pursues closely behind F/N and nearly hits him several times, with the flames.

Finally, F/N is able to get back to where the dead bodies of the other members of the Incineration squad are located. He sees a throwing axe on one of the men's sides, and grabs it. F/N turns and throws the axe. It soars straight into the man with the flamethrower's head. As the man falls, the flamethrower continues to spew out flames. F/N is about to go and make sure the man is dead, when he hears a cracking sound. F/N looks up to see that the roof of the building is about to collapse. He rushes out of the building as the roof comes down. While F/N would like to have confirmed that the man was dead, he figures that the roof collapsing on him probably killed the man if he was not already dead.

Having finished his mission, F/N begins to head back to the forest where his base is located. Unfortunately, it is on the other side of the Capital so F/N has to walk a long way to get to it. As the shortest path to the forest is to go through the Capital itself, F/N does just that. He walks through the Capital and makes his way to the forest. While he travels he thinks, "I got revenge for you Poney. I wish I could get revenge for Tsukushi as well, however as Akame killed her I am not sure I can. I would prefer it if I never have to kill a member of the Elite Seven even if the squad no longer exists.

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