Chapter 55: Division

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It has been two months since Night Raid managed to kill Bolic. During that time they have traveled back to the Capital. However, as they were nearing the Capital it occurred to Najenda that if Lubbock was tortured by Esdeath, as all of the members of Night Raid assume to have happened, then the base has likely been compromised. This makes returning to their base near the Capital all, but impossible.

As a result of this concern the members of Night Raid decide that for the time being the safest thing that they can do is to rendezvous with the Revolutionary Army in the south. While this is not ideal, it is nearly impossible for them to carry on their jobs in the Capital with all of the information that has likely been leaked about them.

With this decision made, the members of Night Raid turn south and begin to head to where Najenda says the Revolutionary Army is located. As they travel an idea pops into Mine's head.

Mine: "Do you think that (F/N) is going to be alright when he comes back to the Capital? I mean he did plan on meeting us at the base if I remember right."

Najenda: "(F/N) is smart enough to figure out that the Empire likely knows about the base. I doubt he will go back there."

Mine: "Still if he did, he would be in a lot of trouble."

Leone: "It is not like you to worry so much about someone Mine. You have fallen for (F/N) haven't you?"

Mine: "It is not like that. He is just a valuable member of the team, and we are going to need him."

Akame: "If (F/N) heads back to the Capital, he will be fine. He is not foolish enough to let the Empire catch him."

Mine: "Yeah I guess you are right. He does have a lot of experience as an assassin before joining us afterall."

Chelsea: "It does seem off for him to go off on his own like he did though."

Najenda: "I am sure there was some personal thing that he needed to take care of is all. He certainly has every right to take care of things like that if they come up."

Chelsea: "Still it sucks that he chose now of all times to go off on his own."

Akame: "He must have thought it was important enough to leave us."

Najenda: "Well putting that all aside, we are going to have to work out the next stage of our plan for taking down the Empire. Since we cannot move freely in the Capital any more, we will need to find a new way to be of use to the Revolution."

Night Raid eventually makes it to the Revolutionary Army's hideout in the southern part of the Empire. The higher ups in the army are pleased with Night Raid's work in managing to eliminate Bolic from the Path of Peace. Overall despite the death of Lubbock, the loss of Chelsea's Teigu, as well as Night Raid failing to kill Kurome as the Revolutionary Army wanted, they consider the mission to Kyoroch a success.

Despite the mission being ruled as a success, the fact that Night Raid has now been exposed is a major problem for the Revolutionary Army. This means that their main spy network in the Capital can no longer function like it used to. Also it will make killing the Emperor and the minister when the army finally moves harder, since Night Raid will not be in position to strike when the Revolutionary Army makes their move.

A meeting is called by the leaders of the Revolutionary Army to discuss what steps are going to be taken by the army at this point. The main topic of discussion is what Night Raid will do now that they cannot work so freely in the Capital. When this meeting comes to an end Najenda returns to where Night Raid is staying to tell them the plan at this point.

Najenda: "It has been decided that Night Raid will continue to act in the usual way as spies for the Revolutionary Army. Since we will have a hard time working around the Capital now, we are being sent to various locations around the Empire to assist the members of the revolution that are currently operating in those areas. In two months when the Revolutionary Army makes it move we will all regroup near the Capital to carry out our mission of assassinating the minister."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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