Chapter 49: Kill the Demons

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Author's Note: I am very sorry for the long break between writing chapters. My life got unexpectedly crazy since the last chapter was published. 

As of right now I have four possible endings for the book based on the romantic interest (note the story will be changed dramatically based on this from about chapter 55 on). The possibilities are Akame, Kurome, Mine, or no one. I would appreciate comments on which path you would like to see. 


The day following Lubbock being killed the Jaegers begin to make preparations to head to Kyoroch. Esdeath plans to leave without Kurome as she is still unconscious. She enters the room to gather Wave, who has been sitting by Kurome's bedside since bringing her to the hospital. All of a sudden Kurome bolts straight up in bed.

Kurome: "Well that was a good nap. I am ready for action again Captain."

Wave: "You need to rest still. Any normal person would be dead after what happened to you."

Kurome: "Thanks for worrying Wave, but I am fine."

Esdeath kicks Kurome, who blocks the attack.

Kurome: "As you can see Captain I am ready for combat."

Esdeath: "Very well. We are leaving in an hour with or without you."

Kurome is ready when the team leaves and the five remaining Jaegers all head east to Kyoroch. The team knows that before too long Night Raid is going to be coming to that city. Esdeath plans are personally protecting Bolic to ensure that Night Raid will fail in their mission. In addition to her plans of heading to Kyoroch already, Esdeath has received word from Prime Minister Honest that he would like her to go to Kyoroch to help the transition for when Bolic takes over the Path of Peace.

When they arrive in Kyoroch the Jaegers head straight to the cathedral where Bolic is staying. As soon as they get to the room that Bolic occupies in the cathedral the Jaegers find a large number of scantily clad women along with men in the room drinking large amounts of alcohol.

Bolic: "Ah so the minster has sent his best. It is very reassuring to have the Jaegers here for the transition period for the Path of Peace."

Esdeath: "We are actually here on other business. It has come to our attention that Night Raid is targeting you. We are here to make sure that you are kept safe as well as eliminate Night Raid."

Bolic: "Well if you are to serve as my bodyguards feel free to enjoy the pleasures that we have to offer. I can even introduce you to some of my subjects to show you a good time."

Esdeath: "No thank you. Although I would love to meet those spies of yours that have been watching us since we arrived."

Bolic gives a signal and four figures drop from the rafters where they were standing.

Bolic: "These are the Four Rakshasa Demons. Named Ibara, Sten, Mez, and Suzuka."

Esdeath: "Ah yes. I was wondering why I had not seen them in the Capital as of late.

Bolic: "They have been serving as my personal bodyguards. However, with you here I can send them on the offensive against Night Raid."

Seyru: "How can non-Teigu users hope to stand against Night Raid?"

Ibara: "As it would happen little girl taking down Teigu users is our specialty."

Esdeath: "Careful now Ibara. You would be a fool to underestimate what Night Raid can do."

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