Chapter 43: Back to Work

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Once Esdeath finally leaves the island, Tatsumi is able to get up and head back to Night Raid's base. It is not too far from the mountain that he is located on, so he is able to make it to the base fairly quickly. As soon as he gets back Najenda wants a full report of what happened.

Tatsumi: "F/N and I were on a mission to eliminate the human danger beasts just as planned. We went on top of a mountain to search. While we were up there Esdeath fell from the sky. Then some other guy showed up and teleported F/N, Esdeath, and me to some tropical island south of the Capital. Eventually the portal reopened and I was able to get back. I let Esdeath and F/N know I was leaving and made it through first. I used Incursio to hide from Esdeath until she left then came back here."
Akame: "What happened to F/N?"

Tatsumi: "I am not sure. My guess is he is still on the island since the portal closed right after Esdeath came through."

Leone: "You should have just left Esdeath on the island and gone through yourself."

Tatsumi: "F/N was looking for a way off the island, so he was not nearby. I had to let him know what was going on. Also since Esdeath helped me on the island I wanted to pay her back."

Najenda: "Esdeath is resourceful. She would have found a way off the island even if you had not informed her. Don't feel like you owe her anything. As for F/N I will let the Revolutionary Army know. Perhaps they will be able to find him and bring him back."

Tatsumi: "Is there any more news about the human danger beasts?"

Najenda: "It would appear that they have almost all died out as there have been no new cases of them. I would guess there were only a limited number of them, which have now basically all been killed. That aside we need to get back to work as usual. Chelsea I have a job for you specifically. You are to assassinate Gebaze, Head of the Finance department for the Empire. He has been raising taxes even higher than what the minister has been requesting to line his own pockets."

Chelsea: "I will handle him."

Najenda: "I have assignments for the rest of you as well."

After giving assignments to all of the members of Night Raid they all head to their assigned locations. Chelsea decides to assassinate Gebaze it would be best to disguise herself as one of his maids. She could then kill him easily. With this plan in mind Chelsea starts to do research on Gebaze as well as his staff of maids. Once she has learned what she considers a sufficient amount of information she makes plans to head to the Head of Finance's mansion.

Chelsea makes it to the mansion and finds one of the maids in the yard doing some gardening. Chelsea quickly knocks the maid unconscious and then uses Gaea Foundation to transform into an exact copy of the maid. She then ties the maid up and puts her in some bushes out of sight from anyone. With this disguise now in place Chelsea heads into the mansion and waits for when the Head of Finance will make a request for something.

Eventually the request from Gebaze, the Head of Finance, comes and Chelsea makes sure that she is the maid to do the job. Gebaze has requested a maid to come and give him a massage. Chelsea gets ready to head into the room and eliminate him. She walks over to the Gebaze and positions a poisoned needle in her hand to thrust into the man's neck. As Gebaze is talking to her, Chelsea thrusts the needle into the jugular vein of Gebaze. Almost as soon as the needle has entered his neck, the man dies.

Having completed her mission Chelsea transforms back to herself. She is then about to leave the room when she hears footsteps approaching. Thinking quickly Chelsea notices a basket of cats on the floor. She uses Gaea Foundation to transform herself into a cat and then crawls into the basket with all of the other cats. Just seconds later the door to the room opens. In rush Wave and Kurome, two members of the Jaegers.

Reaper of the Empire (Akame Ga Kill x Male Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon