Chapter 20: Village Boy

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While F/N is on the way back to the forest after having dealt with the Incineration squad, he notices a young man that is sitting against a building. The young man is about F/N's age, has brown hair, and has a backpack along with a sword. F/N thinks that this boy is probably from a small town somewhere. As this boy seems like easy prey for the serial killer family that F/N has heard about he figures he better stop and talk to the young man to give him a warning.

F/N: "You really should not be sleeping on the street like this. You could easily get robbed or something."

Young Man: "I already got robbed. If I had money then I would be in an inn or something."

F/N: "That is unfortunate. You could get killed if you stay here though. I guess you could come to the forest with me."

Young Man: "How is sleeping in the forest any better than sleeping on the street?"

F/N: "I take it you are not from the Capital. There are serial killers and assassins all over the Capital that would happily kill you while you sleep."

Young Man: "I highly doubt that."

F/N: "Well I tried to warn you. Good luck."

F/N starts to walk away, and then as an after though he stops. F/N turns back to the young man and pulls out some gold to give him

F/N: "Here. Why don't you take this money and go buy yourself a night in an inn?"

Young Man: "I cannot take this. Plus if you have money why are you sleeping in the forest."

F/N: "I prefer sleeping in the forest to an inn."

Young Man: "I appreciate the money, but I cannot accept it. You should use it for yourself. I can tell you are in pretty rough shape, since you smell like smoke and your clothes are filthy."

F/N: "I am fine. I just came out of a burning building. If you don't want the money, enjoy sleeping on the street."

Young Man: "Hang on a second. Why don't we get a room together? If we did that I would feel alright with taking the money."

F/N: "I don't even know you, so I definitely don't want to share a room with you."

Young Man: "Sorry I guess I didn't introduce myself. I am Tatsumi."

F/N: "Nice to meet you Tatsumi. I am F/N. Why are you in the Capital if you are not from here?"

Tatsumi: "I came to the Capital with two of my friends from our village. We came here planning on making money to send back to our village as the people there are really poor and have almost nothing to live on. The plan was for us to join the military and make money that way."

F/N: "Where are your friends now?"

Tatsumi: "Some bandits attacked us along the way, and we got separated. I am sure they will both make it to the Capital without any trouble though. They both are both decent fighters."

F/N: "Well I hope you get to see them again soon. How did applying for the military go?"

Tatsumi: "I tried to enlist, but they wanted me to start out as a private. I am at least good enough to start as a captain. I told the man at the desk this, and was thrown out."

F/N: "I am not surprised. I doubt they let anyone start as a captain. You should have been happy they were even going to accept you."

Tatsumi: "Well I guess I should have taken the job. Shortly thereafter I met a girl who offered to help me get a job as a captain in the military. She robbed me of all my money though."

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