Chapter 17: Betrayal

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F/N's life continues as normal after the events with the Oarburgh clan. He returns to working as an assassin in the Capital. As before most of the targets that F/N ends up eliminating are citizens living in the Capital. Those that he commonly goes after are serial killers, and rapists. F/N has been shocked that there are so many of them. Over the years he has killed hundreds of people that he has judged as evil. Despite this F/N still remains neutral, not joining the Revolutionary Army as some of the targets he has killed have been people that support the revolution. Two of his past targets were officers in the Revolutionary Army.

After helping the Elite Seven with their problems with the Oarburgh clan he has not heard from them. He has also not seen them. F/N figures that it is not really his business what they are doing as none of them have been accused of anything that F/N would consider evil. Despite being assassins, F/N notes that they are different from the serial killers he has dealt with as they are not killing people out of enjoyment where the serial killers do.

During one of his trips into the Capital, F/N hears a rumor about where the Elite Seven are currently located. F/N has not seen them for a while and figures he may as well drop in. Despite Gozuki betraying him years ago, F/N still thinks of him as a father and wants to see how he is doing. He also likes the members of the Elite Seven as well. He plans to go and visit them after he does his usual research in the Capital to hear about any potential new targets. On this particular day, F/N is not able to find out about anyone that he would consider evil.

F/N leaves the Capital in the afternoon heading towards the church on the outskirts of the Capital where the Elite Seven are rumored to be staying. As he is traveling F/N notices that the Elite Seven have chosen a really good place to hide out at. It is surrounded by trees and would be hard for most people to find. It also would be easy to defend as the church is located in a clearing that everyone must cross in order for them to reach the building where the Elite Seven are staying.

Upon arriving in the camp F/N is greeted by the members of the Elite Seven that are currently there. F/N was hoping to be able to speak to all of the team when he got there, however, Akame is not present. She is on a mission to eliminate Najenda, a former general in the Imperial army. Apparently, Najenda has abandoned the Empire and is now a general in the Revolutionary Army. F/N heard that Najenda got injured in a battle and was missing an eye and arm. For this reason he figures that the mission will not take Akame too long, so he will come by the following night to see how she is doing.

While F/N is at the church he does talk with Kurome, Tsukushi, and Gozuki. Each of them seems to be in a rather good mood. Kurome is especially happy that her sister has gotten a promotion to leading the Elite Seven. While talking to Tsukushi, F/N learns a little more about the Shingu as he wished they could talk more about them last time he was there. Gozuki offers F/N the position to take over as the leader of the Elite Seven for Akame as she is not too fond of being in charge. F/N declines the offer as he does not want to work for the Empire or the Revolutionary Army. After his conversations with these three people, F/N heads back to his own base in the forest to go to bed.

Once F/N has gotten up from sleeping he decides to train for the day. F/N's training today consists of target practice with his bow, and then his throwing knives. After this training exercise, F/N practices his sword technique. He then runs five miles, followed by practicing sneaking up on animals. After F/N has completed all of his training for the day he goes hunting, as he is low on food at the moment. After his hunting trip, it is the afternoon. F/N decides he should and go visit the Elite Seven, since he figures Akame will be back by now.

As F/N is on his way to the Elite Seven camp, chaos has broken out among the members of the Elite Seven at the camp. Over time Akame has started to doubt the Empire and after locating and talking to Najenda, she has defected from the Empire. Having decided to defect from the Empire, Akame has returned to the church to kill Gozuki. As soon as Akame has reached the church she attacks Gozuki starting a sword battle between the two expert sword wielders.

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