Chapter 36: A Stylish Attack

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The night after the party Leone wakes up in the living room. She realizes that they all must have partied a little too much as she has a hangover. Leone heads outside of the living room stepping over the bodies of her sleeping comrades to go outside and get some water. As she arrives at the water, Leone notices her reflection start to ripple. Then all of a sudden it changes to the face of a man, who pops out of the water and throws a knife into Leone's head.

Meanwhile on a cliff to the southeast of Night Raid's base stands Dr. Stylish with three of his mutated humans that he has created. One of them, named Mimi, with large ears reports to her boss that one of the members of Night Raid has been defeated. Dr. Stylish looks pleased at the news, and cannot wait to tell General Esdeath that he has managed to kill all of Night Raid. He then sends in hundreds of his enhanced human soldiers to go and eradicate Night Raid.

In the base, Lubbock is awoken by the tugs on his threads he has placed all around the base. These tugs come as a result of all the enhanced soldiers approaching. Lubbock is running to find out what is causing the commotion, and runs into an enhanced soldier. The soldier rushes at him. Lubbock ties up the soldier and squeezes the threads, cutting the man all over. At this point Lubbock turns to leave only to be attacked from behind by the same soldier. Luckily, he is able to block the attack using his threads, which he wraps around himself just in time to block the attack. Lubbock then twists his threads together to create a spear out of them. He hurls this spear into the enemy's chest which kills the soldier.

Having defeated one of the soldiers, Lubbock starts to head down the hall. He does not make it far, before a horde of enhanced soldiers break through the wall and begin to chase after him. Lubbock starts to run away, but quickly notices that the enhanced soldiers are gaining on him. He is about to get caught when Akame, in her pajamas, jumps past Lubbock and kills all of the approaching soldiers.

No sooner has Akame defeated these enhanced soldiers than another soldier appears to fight Akame. He is named Toby, and his entire body is made of metal. Toby and Akame begin to do battle, as two giant enhanced soldiers show up in front of Lubbock. He is forced to do battle with these two giants using his thread.

Meanwhile outside the base Tatsumi has escaped wearing Incursio to the ground below. He had to break through the wall of the base, to get past all of the enemies. Once on the ground he turns to find a man carrying Extase approaching him. This enhanced soldier introduces himself as Kaku. Tatsumi shouts, "Give those scissors back. They don't belong to you." He then rushes forward at Kaku.

As Tatsumi gets closer to Kaku, his sword strikes are blocked. He then is forced to retreat as Kaku opens up Extase to attack Tatsumi. He proceeds to attempt to cut off Tatsumi's arm. Thanks to his quick movement, the scissors only are able to cut into Tatsumi's arm and do not cut the entire thing off. Kaku says, "You're pretty quick. I meant to cut your whole arm off."

Tatsumi gets ready to attack Kaku once more when Mine shows up at the battlefield. She is still in her pajamas like Akame. She has Pumpkin with her. When Mine sees that Kaku has Extase she gets ticked. Mine yells, "Seeing Extase in your big ugly hands is really ticking me off." This comment only makes Kaku laugh as he lunges forward to attack Mine, leaving Tatsumi where he is.

As Kaku rushes at Mine, he opens Extase up wide so that he can cut her completely in half. Then Kaku jumps into the air and starts to come down closer to Mine. He never reaches her as Mine charges Pumpkin up and lets off a massive shot. The blast not only kills Kaku, but entirely disintegrates him. All that is left is Extase, which falls to the ground. Mine runs over and picks up the scissors, crying while she looks at them.

Meanwhile inside the base Akame is still fighting Toby. He is very aggressive in how he attacks. Akame says, "Since I cannot kill you in one strike I am just going to have to cut you apart, and it is going to hurt a lot." She then charges forward and cuts off one of Toby's arms. Toby is unfazed by this as he cannot feel pain. He proceeds to attack Akame, growing a blade out of where his missing arm was located.

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