Chapter 1: Baby's Beginning

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On a cold night early in the Imperial year 1007 a blue haired woman is thrown into a shed outside a large mansion. This woman is a slave to Lord Marshal, one of the noblemen of the Empire. She is a descendent of the people of the western tribes. The shed is where Lord Marshal keeps all of his slaves together. The woman is clearly disturbed by something that happened to her. All of her fellow slaves look at her knowing exactly what happened. Just as so many slaves before her have been, she too has been raped by Lord Marshal.

Six months after the event, the blue haired woman has begun to clearly show that she is pregnant. All of the slaves are worried for her sake. It is common for Lord Marshal to kill any slaves that get pregnant after he rapes them. As a precaution since he does not remember all of the slaves that he has raped, Lord Marshal usually just kills any pregnant slave he finds. This woman is clever though. She hides her growing stomach as best she can. Also she continues to work as if nothing is wrong. All of the other slaves are stunned that Lord Marshal has not realized that she is pregnant yet.

During the eighth month of pregnancy the blue-haired woman begins to show signs of tiring easily. The other slaves try to make up for her falling behind to the best of their ability. Lord Marshal has started to take notice and sees that the woman has a large stomach. He decides since she has hidden it so well he will make an example of her that night. Lord Marshal plans to cut the child from her womb that night and massacre it in front of all to see, so the slaves will learn their place.

As night draws near Lord Marshal sends his slaves back to their shed. He then heads inside to have some dinner. Since he will lose his appetite after having to look inside the shed of the western mongrels he has as slaves, he makes sure to eat plenty before leaving for the shed. He cannot help, but smile at the prospect of what he is going to do later. He loves to kill slaves after he has raped them. It is so common for them to be surprised that he is going to kill them. The shock on their faces is his favorite part of killing them.

Meanwhile in the shed one of the male slaves approaches the blue-haired woman, who is lying in pain in the corner.

Male Slave: "Are you alright? You seem to be in quite a bit of pain."

Blue-haired woman: "I think the baby is coming. I felt it while we were working, but hid the fact as best as I could."

Male Slave: "Everyone hurry over here. We have a baby to deliver. Some of you have helped Lord Marshal's wife deliver children so you will be in charge of helping here as well.

With great speed the slaves get to work to make the blue-haired woman as comfortable as possible. Then those that have served as wet-nurses before get to work. The baby is nearly there already as the woman's water broke while still working outside. All of those present are excited that a child is about to be born. No child has been born to a slave of Lord Marshal in all the years he has had slaves. Many of them are also excited because they have watched the blue-haired woman for some time hoping she would be able to have the baby.

Finally, the baby is born. It is a boy with brilliant blue eyes. All of the slaves are ecstatic that the baby has finally arrived. Their excitement soon turns to horror as they hear the outside lock to the shed being removed. Knowing that she is in no condition to protect her newborn son the blue haired woman hands the baby to one of the slave men. She says, "Please somehow get my baby boy to safety." The man tells her that he will.

The man with the baby in his arms gets behind the shed door, so that Lord Marshal cannot see him as he opens it. As soon as Lord Marshal appears in the doorway with his guards in toe, the slaves charge at him. All of the slaves all together start attacking Lord Marshal. The guards with Lord Marshal draw their weapons to defend their master. Little to the knowledge of Lord Marshal and his guards, the man carrying the child has snuck past the ruckus and is now running from the property.

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