Chapter 34: Starving Village

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With his newly acquired liquid F/N begins to make his way out of the cave. Before he gets too far, the idea comes to F/N to hide any evidence of what was located here. As the Empire is sure to come, F/N would rather hide what he found than give them an idea of what it is.

Deciding this, F/N climbs back up to where he found the liquid and knocks all of the pieces of the monolith off into the snake pit below. He then proceeds to the island monolith he found in the center of the cave and breaks it, throwing the pieces into the snake pit. Having destroyed the two monoliths and thinking that there were not any other monoliths in the cave, F/N makes his way back to the entrance. At the entrance, F/N breaks the monolith located there and throws the rocks down into the snake pit.

Now that the evidence of what was in the cave is gone, F/N leaves through the oricalcum door and locks it using his key. He then heads back up the tunnel that he came in from to get back inside the home that the trapdoor to the tunnel was in. F/N heads out of the home and proceeds to burn it along with all of the other homes in Tensui Village, so that the Empire will have an even harder time figuring out where the cave even is. He then buries the ground that he tore up that he followed to the house with the trapdoor.

Having destroyed all of the evidence in Tensui Village, F/N begins to burn the bodies of all those that were in the village that were left by the Dark Squad when they left. He does this to give the people a burial of sorts. Following this he leaves the village heading back towards the Capital. F/N hopes that he has not been gone too long as he is not sure how long it has been exactly since he left Night Raid's base. His assumption is about a week, but he is not positive.

The trek back to Night Raid's base proves to be a challenging one as danger beasts seem to be drawn to F/N and attack him. He is forced to fight off sixty-three wolf danger beasts one right after the other. Soon other types also start to show up. While F/N has been hunting danger beasts for a while and can kill them with ease, he has never been attacked by so many in such a short amount of time. Even as night falls the beasts continue to attack him, causing F/N to lose sleep defending himself from their attacks.

As dawn draws near on the first day since F/N left Tensui Village, he hears a loud roar as a creature unlike the previous ones comes rushing at him. The danger beasts in the area run at the sound of the approaching creature's roar. F/N turns to see that a giant scorpion danger beast is rushing at him. This is the first of this kind of danger beast that F/N has seen. From the book that he bought from Night Owl, F/N knows that the tail of such beasts paralyze their targets.

With the beast drawing closer to him, F/N readies his bow and lets off three arrows that bounce harmlessly off the scorpion's body. Then as it gets within striking range with its tail, F/N dodges to the side, narrowly avoiding getting stung by the beast and it's deadly tail. Not wasting any time, F/N draws his sword to block the next set of stabbing attacks from the beast.

As he fights this scorpion, F/N notices that the beast has thick armor around the top of it, but lacks armor on its belly. F/N decides that the belly is then where he must strike if he is to defeat the danger beast. With this plan in mind, F/N jumps to the side of the scorpion and looks for a way to get under it. The scorpion reacts too quickly for F/N to get a good plan in his mind, however he does note that if he can move fast enough, he could slide between the legs and get under it.

With the scorpion losing its patience in the fight, it starts to attack more aggressively which gives F/N an opening to strike in. As the scorpion raises its tail to strike, F/N dashes to the right, and then back to the left, sliding under the beast. As soon as he is under the scorpion, F/N drives his dagger into the belly of the beast. The scorpion lets out an ear-splitting screech as the dagger goes into it's flesh. Not wasting any time, F/N pulls the dagger back and repeatedly thrusts it into the beast, before it has a chance to get away from him.

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