Chapter 29: Teigu Education

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The day following the mission to eliminate Zanku, Tatsumi is assigned to learn under Sheele. Meanwhile F/N is partnered with Bulat for the day. Neither group has any missions, so F/N helps Bulat with cleaning the base. As he has never cleaned before, F/N has a somewhat hard time with it. However, Bulat is patient and helps him learn. In no time at all F/N understands how to mop the base. Bulat also teaches F/N how to dust along with other cleaning chores.

Once they have finished the cleaning for the day, Bulat recommends that F/N and he go down to the lake for some swimming. F/N figures that he may as well join Bulat. The last time F/N swam was when he collected his key years ago, so he is looking forward to doing it more out of enjoyment than to find something. When they arrive at the lake F/N notices that Sheele and Tatsumi are talking. Tatsumi is wearing a suit of armor.

Bulat: "So Sheele is training him how to swim in armor. That is a pretty good skill to learn. Do you know how to swim in armor F/N?"

F/N: "No I have never needed to. I never use heavy armor, so it was never something I thought I needed to know how to do. I prefer to use light armor, which I can swim in, as I rely on stealth when striking most of the time."

Bulat: "Well let's see how well you can swim. We are going to race underwater over to where Tatsumi and Sheele are."

With this plan now in their minds Bulat and F/N both strip down to just their underclothes and jump in the water. As F/N is swimming he notices that he has way out distanced Bulat. F/N figures that Bulat must just be a slow swimmer. F/N arrives at the other side of the lake, where they were racing to ahead of Bulat and decides to see if he can hold his breath under the water until Bulat arrives. He succeeds in doing so as he waits for Bulat for about as long as it took F/N to reach the side of the lake with Tatsumi and Sheele on it.

Once Bulat finally arrives on that side of the lake they both pop out of the water at the same time. Bulat mentions to Tatsumi how good of a job he is doing, while F/N listens without saying anything. F/N does notice though that Tatsumi seems to be very glad to be with Night Raid. He also notices that Sheele is likewise just sitting and listening to what Bulat and Tatsumi have to say.

After the conversation is over, F/N and Bulat swim back to the other side of the lake to grab their clothes. Once they are dry, they put the clothes on and head to the hideout for a meeting that the boss has called for all the members of Night Raid to attend. F/N figures that it is about the Teigu Spectator that they retrieved from Zanku the previous night. As all of the members of Night Raid other than F/N, Najenda, and Tatsumi have a Teigu already this makes F/N think that Najenda is probably going to give Spectator to either him or Tatsumi to see if it is a match.

At the meeting Najenda holds up Spectator for all to see.

Najenda: "We have retrieved Zanku's Teigu. It is not in my book on Teigu so I am not sure exactly what it can do."

F/N: "From what I know it grants the person that uses it five sight. This includes insight, which allows the user to read a target's mind, farsight which allows the user to see through fog and things like that. There is also clearsight which allows the user to see through clothing to look for concealed weapons. There is also foresight, which allows the user to see a glimpse of the future. Lastly, there is illusionary sight which gives the user the ability to project the person most precious to the target to the target's view in the place of the user."

Najenda: "You sure know quite a bit about this Teigu. Where did you learn all of this?"

F/N: "I acquired a book on Teigu quite a while ago. It does include Spectator in it, so I learned about it from that book."

Najenda: "I would like to see that book after the meeting if you don't mind. The more that we know about Teigu the better."

F/N: "I agree. I thought you probably already had a copy of it, which is why I didn't mention it before. I got it out of the house of an Imperial aristocrat that was raping young girls."

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