Chapter 43: Back to Work

Start from the beginning

Wave: "Sir, we are the Jaegers. We are here to protect you as we got a tip that Night Raid may be after you."

Kurome: "Look at this Wave."

Wave: "We were too late. He is already dead. Oh man, they got another one. Hopefully the others will be more successful than us."

Once Wave and Kurome leave having failed to save the Head of Finance's life Chelsea sneaks out of the mansion. She then quickly heads back to Night Raid's base to let them know about what happened. When she arrives Chelsea finds that all of the members of Night Raid except F/N already are at the base.

Chelsea: "While I was on the mission the Jaegers walked in just moments after I finished. I had to turn into a cat to not get caught."

Mine: "I nearly got caught by them too. Luckily, I was far enough away from the target when I shot, and they were not expecting a sniper that I was able to get them off my trail. It was kind of close though."

Najenda: "From all of your reports it sounds like the Jaegers are starting to close in on us. We are going to need to be even more careful in the future. I have to go meet with the Revolutionary Army now. While I am there I will look into them sending help to bring F/N back here. I imagine they will be able to spare an air manta for the job. Once I get back we are going to start taking action to get rid of the Jaegers. Don't worry about doing missions until I get back."

Chelsea: "Wait a second boss I overheard something from one of the Jaegers. One of them mentioned that they got a tip from someone about the job."

Najenda: "How could that be? We got your request straight from the revolution."

Chelsea: "That is what I am hinting at. I think that there may be a traitor in the Revolutionary Army. I don't think mentioning F/N will be a good idea. The revolution does not keep records on the members of Night Raid. Only you have the full records on us, but if you were to mention F/N being on the island the spy, if there is one, would learn that he is in Night Raid."

Najenda: "Very well. We will just have to trust that F/N will make it back on his own. Meanwhile while I am at the meeting I will take Susanoo. Perhaps we can sniff this spy out and eliminate them. Until I get back, focus on training and avoid the Capital."

As Night Raid is dealing with this new threat from the Jaegers, F/N is still on the tropical island with his newly captured danger beast. It is a small dragon-like danger beast. F/N was originally taming an air manta that he found flying over the island. He believed it to be tamed, however as he was riding it over the island and about to cross the ocean, it threw him from it's back. F/N landed on the top of the only mountain on the island.

Once on top of this mountain F/N found the danger beast he now has injured. The leg of the danger beast had puncture marks on it and the beast appeared to be starving. F/N decided to go and get food for the danger beast. After feeding the beast and binding its leg wound the danger beast started to trust F/N. He is even able to get the beast to let him touch it without any issues. F/N decides to name the danger beast Kaze and spends a lot of time with him. Since F/N does not have any better ideas he plans to train Kaze to get off the island.

Before long F/N finds out what caused the leg injury. While F/N is trying to train Kaze to fly with him on its back a massive jackaleo shows up on the mountain and rushes at Kaze. Looking at his new friend F/N can tell that he is afraid. F/N quickly stabs the jackaleo with Sasu, paralyzing it. Following this F/N drives his katana through the beast's heart. By killing this jackaleo, F/N has earned an even stronger friendship with Kaze.

In two weeks time F/N has trained Kaze to fly with F/N on his back. After some testing, F/N learns that Kaze can fly for fairly long distances without too much trouble. Once F/N learns this, he starts to make plans for how to get back to Night Raid's base. Finally, he decides that it would be ideal for it to be night when Kaze and he are flying over the land to Night Raid's hideout. As he is not sure how far away the mainland of the Empire is from his current position, F/N decides to leave at first light the next day. Once past the ocean, he will find a cave to hide in until it gets dark.

Now that F/N has a plan to leave he packs up some food that he has grown to like from the island and prepares to leave. At first light the next morning, F/N climbs on Kaze's back and they take off toward the mainland. It takes less time than F/N was expecting and he makes it to the Empire before midday. F/N has Kaze land near a cave, and the two of them hide in the cave until nightfall as planned.

When night finally comes, F/N hops back on Kaze's back and they fly to the new base that Night Raid has. F/N flies Kaze over the base, not wanting to set off all of Susanoo's traps laid below and lands. Very quickly Leone and Tatsumi come rushing towards Kaze, thinking it is a wild danger beast that has come near the base.

F/N shouts: "Hold on! It is me."

Tatsumi: "Wait, F/N."

F/N: "Yes it is me. Please don't hurt Kaze, it took a lot of time to train him."

Tatsumi: "You named him."

F/N: "You try being stranded on an island for two weeks by yourself and see what you start naming. Anyway he is not hostile as long as you don't attack him."

Leone: "Alright, I guess if he is a friend of yours he can stay. I am not sure where we are going to put him though."

F/N: "Not sure. He is kind of attached to me so I doubt he will leave here. He also appears to be highly intelligent."

Tatsumi: "Well that is good. I am glad you made it back. I was worried about you."

F/N: "Next time don't go abandoning me."

Tatsumi: "I needed to get off the island you know that."

F/N: "Fine, I will let you get away with it this once."

Leone: "We should let the rest of the team know you are back. Also we should probably warn them about your little friend here."

With that the three of them head inside the base with Kaze falling closely behind. F/N tells him to wait outside, which he does, although he is too big to fit through the door anyway. Once inside Leone goes and wakes up everyone to let them know that F/N is back. All of the members are pretty annoyed to be woken up in the middle of the night. However, once they realize that F/N is back they get over it. Akame is able to identify that Kaze is a wind dragon danger beast, which is a type of special class danger beast. They decide to build a structure next to the base that Kaze can stay in the following day. After that is decided all of the members head back to sleep inside the base.

As the following morning comes the team gets to work at building a structure for Kaze to live in. Akame tells them that it will need to be quite large as Kaze is still a baby wind dragon and will grow to be much larger. Since the team has been ordered by Najenda to stay at the base all of them pitch in to help build. Although Susanoo will probably just rebuild it anyway the team decides to make something that will work until he gets back with the boss. This gives the team something to do for the next several days as they wait for Najenda to return.

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