Chapter 42: Island Adventure

Start from the beginning

Tatsumi: "Miss Esdeath, would you hit me really hard?"

Esdeath: "Tatsumi, I had no idea you were into that sort of thing. We really are perfect for each other."

Tatsumi: "That is not what I meant. I just want to see if this is an illusion, or not."

Esdeath: "Alright."

Tatsumi closes his eyes expecting to get hit by Esdeath. All of a sudden he feels lips pressed against his and opens his eyes to see that Esdeath is kissing him. Following the kiss, Esdeath decides to explain what happened.

Esdeath: "Our surroundings are too real for this to be an illusion. We must have been teleported here. There are only a handful of Teigu that can manipulate space like that."
F/N: "It was Shambhala. The hooded figure said it when he activated the Teigu."

Esdeath: "So you are knowledgeable about Teigu."

F/N: "I know some things and have taught Tatsumi what I do know about them."

Esdeath: "Alright then."

Before the conversation can go any further a giant danger beast emerges from the water near the beach. Seeing it, Tatsumi thinks, "That looks a lot like Dr. Stylish when he turned into a danger beast." His thoughts are quickly interrupted as he feels himself moving upwards. Looking down Tatsumi sees that a column of ice is rising from the ground with him and Esdeath on it. F/N who was standing further away is still on the ground.

Esdeath shouts, "How dare this beast interrupt our date?" She then proceeds to summon and shoot spikes of ice at the danger beast. Many of them plunge into the beast's skin, however none of them hit the human part that is sticking out of the head. This is the part that F/N destroyed when killing Dr. Stylish and Tatsumi thinks that destroying it will work to kill this beast like it did for Dr. Stylish.

Tatsumi: "Doesn't that spot on it's forehead look kind of weak."

Esdeath: "I was just thinking the same thing. We must be soulmates."

With that Esdeath summons a spike out of the ice tower that she and Tatsumi are standing on which is aimed at the beast's forehead. The beast moves at the last second, preventing the spike from hitting it's forehead. Seeing the creature dodge the spear of ice, Tatsumi jumps and runs along the spear of ice to kill the beast. He rushes forward and slices through the human-like figure in the beast's forehead. Doing this kills the beast as he was hoping it would.

Esdeath thinks: "I was hoping to impress Tatsumi with my fighting powers, but he just impressed me even more."

Just then something shakes the tower of ice that Esdeath is standing on. She looks down to see a second massive danger beast trying to knock the tower down. Esdeath smiles and jumps in the air. She then summons a massive ball of ice that dwarfs most buildings in size. This ball of ice comes down and crushes the danger beast that was attacking the ice tower. This kills the beast instantly.

F/N: "Well that was entertaining."
Tatsumi: "Why didn't you help at all?"

F/N: "Didn't feel like I needed to. Esdeath is supposed to be the strongest in the Empire so there was no danger from those beasts."
Esdeath: "So you figured you may as well do nothing because I would take care of them."

F/N: "That, and I was concerned you may accidentally hit me when attacking them."

Esdeath: "I suppose that is a reasonable concern. Now we should investigate the island we are on."

With that the three of them start to wander around the island to see if they can find anything of interest. Due to the hot temperature on the island Esdeath removes some of her clothes and is going around in her underclothes as they search. As they are wandering around the three of them encounter multiple species of danger beasts that are also on the island. These danger beasts quickly lose their lives to these three. Other than these danger beasts there are no other signs of life on the island.

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