Chapter 41

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I pursed my lips when we were at his house.  "I'm going home."

He grabbed my hand.  "Just see first, then decide."  I side-eyed him, suspicious.  "I won't do anything..."  I rolled my eyes feeling he meant it and he smiled.  "Good."

I jumped out before he could pull my door open and he sighed.  "You know... it won't kill you to let me open the door for you."

I giggled.  "No need to find out."  A small smile formed on his lips as he had another emotion I didn't understand.  "You're strange, lead the way."

He put his hand on my lower back and I side-eyed him.  "Just showing you the way... and making sure you don't run off."  I rolled my eyes and let him guide me to a room full of instruments.  I beamed and went to mess with everything.

I was toying with a guitar when I looked up at him a warmth spreading through my chest.  I blinked and set it aside to look at his eyes.  I leaned in and saw they were a clear green.  Pretty...  I jumped back when he touched my face.

He smiled.  "You can't get that close and expect me not to."

I frowned and signed.  "I'll keep that in mind."

He pointed to the piano.  "Let's do this so you will talk."

I smirked and shook my head.  "I may like this better."

He grabbed my shoulders, turned me, and sat me in the seat.  "I don't."

I pursed my lips.  "Fine..."  He pulled out the notebook.  "Starting from the first..."

He blinked.  "You want me to do all of them."  I giggled and nodded.  "That's not fair."

I smirked.  "Who said I play fair?"

He sighed in defeat.  "Fine..."  I started to play and paused when he didn't start, frowning at him.  "I just..."

I sighed and rolled my eyes.  "Never took you for shy."

He narrowed his eyes.  "What was that?"

I raised my eyebrows, watching him as I began again.  He took a breath and started to sing and I smiled.  "Better..."

He kept going, but I felt his happiness when I spoke.  We were halfway in when he paused.  "This is only half a song."

I nodded and began.  "I know, sing it anyway."

He frowned.  "But..."  I met his gaze and looped through the opening again, making him sigh before he sang.  Once his part ended I began and he was surprised.  I felt joy and another feeling I couldn't place, but he didn't miss when he was supposed to come on again and that made me happy.

I played the final notes and nodded.  "See... not that hard with only half."  I looked up at him and his eyes swirled, green and gold.  It made my breaths come short.  "Wha-"  He leaned forward and I instinctively leaned back.

I felt trapped in his gaze and he stroked my face with the back of his finger.  "You are amazing..."

My heart raced and I averted my gaze.  "You're making me uncomfortable."

He pulled my chin to face him.  "Am I?"

I furrowed my brow, unsure about what I felt and his feelings weren't helping.  "Stop it."

He sighed, but let his hand fall.  "Okay..."

I stood.  "I'm satisfied."

He pulled me back down.  "A few more."

I thought for a moment.  "But you have to sit over there."  I pointed to a chair on the far end of the room.

He looked at it and back at me.  "Are you afraid of me?"

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