Chapter 1

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"Violet! There you are!"  I withheld my frown as I turned to the voice.  "I've been looking all over for you."

I smirked.  "Have you now?  You know better than to go looking for trouble, Caleb."

He crossed his arms.  "You missed class."

I sat back on my hands.  "Did I?  Can't seem to recall."

He threw up his hands.  "Well, I'm sure the teacher does. You disappeared after roll call."

I leaned back onto my elbows.  "Then... I was there, so says the paper.  Unless, he called on me for something."

He crossed his arms.  "No..."

"Then he mentioned not seeing me."


"Then, how does he know I went missing, Caleb?"

He sighed.  "He probably doesn't, but you can't keep leaving when it suits you.  You'll never graduate that way."

I met his gaze.  "I'm doing just fine, passing all the classes."

He clenched his jaw.  "Violet..."

I stood as the bell rung and stretched.  "Better hurry, or you'll be late to class."

He grabbed my wrist.  "You'll be too.  Let's go."

I let him drag me to the door before we were stopped.  "Violet... it seems you are needed in the principal's office."

I simply nodded while Caleb looked confused.  "Why?"

The teacher frowned at him.  "Go, take your seat.  And you... go now."

I stuffed my hands in my pockets and slowly made my way to the office.  "I was requested..."

The secretary looked at me in surprise.  "And you are..."

"Violet Montgomery..."

She called someone and nodded me to go back.  I knocked on the door, looking around, I had never seen the inside of this office.  It was haphazardly decorated with awards and degrees along the walls.  "Come in..."

I pushed open the door, which was a lot heavier than it looked.  It slammed as it swung closed, but I was more focused on the brown eyes watching for my reaction.  "Ms. Montgomery?"

I nodded.  "That's me."

The woman shifted papers around until she found what she was looking for, which was impressive, considering everything was scattered on her desk.  "Yes... in lieu of class today... sorry..."

I held her gaze as she looked at me again.  "What will I be doing?"

She blinked.  "You read a lot?"


She shook herself.  "Well, I'd like you to take this test."

I walked over to her desk and took the papers from her.  "Why?"

She sighed.  "It's just a test... to make sure you are where you need to be."

I didn't blink as I watched her fidgeting with items on her desk.  "An aptitude test."

She nodded.  "It was brought to my attention that you are far exceeding your current class cou-"

I raised an eyebrow.  "I have B's in all of my classes.  Quite average."

She was taken aback.  "Yes, well, if you could just take it, we would really appreciate it."

"And if I don't?"

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