Chapter 12

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I kept glancing at where she was after she got out of my grasp yet again.  A few others tried to speak to her only to have her brother interpret.  Though it was annoying, I was selfish and liked that only a few knew she had a voice.

I tensed when I saw Brenda reaching for her hair, but her brother was quick as ever.  Then, my heart clenched as my parents went to talk to her.  I glanced over frequently and was surprised at the admiration in their faces.  She signed something to my dad, and his mouth opened before his brow furrowed, and then he smiled.  Did she just...

More words were exchanged, and a pleasant surprise graced my mom's face.  My heart settled.  They like her... good.  They came my way as soon as they finished talking to her.  "She's a difficult one."

I couldn't help but smile at my mother.  "Yes, she..."  I trailed off.  "Their dad said that he would take them away."

My dad frowned.  "For what reason?"

I sighed.  "I don't know, but her performance didn't help... he was furious."

My mother searched my face.  "She's your mate, isn't she?"

I blinked in surprise.  "I didn't..."

My dad chuckled.  "It's written all over your face, the way you follow, and watch her."

I scowled.  "Won't amount to much if she's taken away."

He thought a moment.  "She can stay here... her brother, too, if need be.  They are good, bright kids by all accounts."

I beamed.  "Really?"  He nodded, and I scanned the crowd for her, I had to tell her.  She could finally be free o-... she wasn't there.  My heart sank as I looked around frantically, looking everywhere in the room.  "I'll see you guys later."

I took a deep breath of cool night air.  The people here are strange...  I ran through the things I had heard as I looked down at an expansive garden.  The moon makes it look like a dream... I wonder...

"Finally... you're alone."  I turned to face the voice frowning.  "Now, let me explain something to you."  I kept my face neutral as I tracked Brenda with my eyes.  "Ezekiel... is mine, no one else's, do you understand?"

I allowed a small smirk to surface and signed.  "Might need to tell him that, but not interested."

She took a step towards me.  "I've heard you talk plenty.  Use your voice."

I chuckled.  "No."

She held her tongue between her teeth as she got closer.  "I'm sure everyone will love to hear you scream, at the very least."

I didn't move, still watching her as she crept closer and to my right.  I saw her plan long before she tried to grab me.  "Brenda!"

I raised my eyebrows as she flinched.  "Now... it's an order... don't touch her."

Her hands hovered for only a second before she stood up straight, almost like a robot.  "Yes... Alpha."

I tilted my head and looked at the one who commanded her, signing.  "What was that?"

Ezekiel's features were painted in rage and concern.  "An order..."

I frowned.  "Why should she listen?"

He blinked.  "You don't know?"  I rolled my eyes, and he closed the distance between us.  Holding my chin so I was forced to look in his eyes, which I did curiously as they shifted.  I barely registered that there was a force behind them when he spoke.  "Tell me your name.  That's an order."

Little Alpha (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now