Chapter 34

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I descended from my perch and turned to be met with black eyes.  "That was dangerous."

I laced my fingers in front of me and smiled politely.  "Mr. Valencia... late ni-"  I glanced at the sunrise.  "Early morning stroll?"

He tilted his head.  "It was reported to me that someone was on top of the tower, I came to check it out."

I watched his eyes.  "No offense, but your son really needs to mind his own business."

He blinked.  "I never said Ezekiel."

I kept my face neutral.  "Other than you, he is the only one who has been out here.  He left about 20 minutes ago, you got here 5 minutes after."

He sighed.  "He worries about you."

"I have no interest in his worry or concern."

He blinked again, surprised.  "Most girls wo-"

I lowered my gaze.  "If none of you have taken the time to realize... I am not most girls."

He moved to stand in front of me.  "Look at me..."  I met his gaze.  "Tell me truthfully... do you feel nothing for him?"

I tilted my head, noting I had no urge to follow his direction.  "I don't know what you mean."

He narrowed his eyes.  "Just anything at all."

I stepped back and chuckled.  "I will tell you the same that I told him.  I haven't tried to kill him for pestering me."

He blinked.  "You didn't even hesitate."

I brushed past him.  "I hope you have a lovely morning, Mr. Valencia."


I paused.  "Sir?"

He shifted behind me.  "Would you all consider joining our pack... all of you."

I tilted my head down, now seething that bastard went and told him.  "As I said before... I hope you have a lovely morning."  I took breaths as I returned to the cottage that was set up for us.  I smirked at my mother.  "You really should sleep."

She turned and smiled, gesturing to the counter.  "Eat something."

I pursed my lips.  "Not in the mood... The Alpha just asked for us to join his pack... all of us."

She looked at me in surprise.  "Wha-"

I read her reaction.  "I didn't give him an answer, but that's not what I want.  I also don't know the opinions of my pack members, so..."

She smiled softly.  "Of course."  I held her gaze and she sighed.  "I don't know, Violet.  You'll have to trust your instincts on this one."

I looked out of the window.  "Then... when the Season ends we won't just be greeting the rest of the pack."  I felt my twin and uncle behind me.  "We will find a place to call our own and rebuild."

She beamed.  "I'd like that."

Xavier hugged me.  "That sounds wonderful."

Uncle Toni came into view, smiling.  "Sounds nice, but what about the boy?"

I met his gaze.  "I've already refused to participate in any Season for the next year or so.  I'll decide from there."

He chuckled.  "I'll start to look into some places."

I smiled.  "Thank you, Uncle Toni."

My mom put her hand on our shoulders.  "And I'll inform the pack, they will be so happy."

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