Chapter 37

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I begrudgingly sat the as far away as I could from him.  Luckily, this room was twice the size of my old one and the bed was huge cause he insisted on sitting on the corner beside the window.  He carefully watched me as I began to fiddle with my hair.  "You're nervous."

"Stop that."

He dropped his head.  "Not like I can help it."

I frowned.  "You bit Brenda last year, you should know how this works."

I felt his disgust.  "I didn't bite anyone last year."

"I think we need to talk to your parents then... your dad shou-"

"I already did..." 

I felt my face get hot.  "You what?"

He rushed to where I was.  "Calm down..."  I slapped his hands away.  "Okay, I won't touch you, but really... who else could I ask?"

"Please say he knows how to turn this off.  I'm only half good at managing my own emotions, yours have me going haywire."

He lowered his gaze.  "No... he said you are an anomaly... a female alpha is almost unheard of, your mark... it's different from anything he's seen before."

I blinked.  "What?"

He pulled off his jacket and showed me his bicep.  "It shouldn't have even worked since it was my neck or shoulder."

I looked at it closely, it looked like the lunar cycle in small red patches on his skin.  I reached out to touch it and he caught my hand.  "I just... sorry..."  My wolf was roaring with laughter inside me and I scowled.  "It's not funny..."

"We agree..."  I looked up at the proximity of his voice and my eyes widened, I didn't know I'd leaned so close.  "Usually it's a bruise that forms... not this..."

I looked back at it.  "It's pretty... and appropriate."  I frowned because I really wanted to touch it, but he still held my hand.

He shifted, uncomfortable.  "It... hurts..."  I shook his hand off and gently ran my fingers over it, it was slightly raised, but smooth.  He shivered and snatched my hand.  "Let's not do that again."

I felt his lust and sat back, nodding.  "Sorry..."  I looked at it again, something about it felt... familiar, I just couldn't figure out where I'd seen it.

I blinked when he covered it and met his gaze.  "This isn't going to be easy..."

I suddenly remembered why he was there.  "Hey... go back to your side..."  He raised his eyebrows, no intention of moving.  I shifted away from him.  "Ezekiel... I don't want..."

He smiled softly.  "I know.  I won't do anything to push you either."

I wrapped my arms around myself.  "I don't want you to bite me either."

He chuckled.  "I am well aware."

I pursed my lips.  "So... what now?"

He sighed.  "Not sure never had a partner for the Season."

I furrowed my brow.  "Do we have to call it that... can't we just be friends.  It was an accident."

He stroked my cheek and my heart jumped to my throat.  "Is that really what you want?"

I moved outside of his reach and he smirked.  "That's what we were right, except you kept trying to get me to date you... not much different."

I felt his sadness.  "It's different for me."

I averted my gaze as I was flooded with his feelings and my wolf was eating it up.  "I really hate you right now... this is your fault we both know it."  Ezekiel blinked as she snickered.

He tilted his head.  "Your wolf truly finds this entertaining."

I nodded.  "And yours is pissed... you two have been trying to bite us since the Season started.  We happened to get you first, unintentionally."

He touched his chest.  "Yeah... he wants to repay the favor."

My wolf went from entertained to threatening, snarling in response.  "Really... I need to you get it under control and stop antagonizing them."  She huffed and rolled her eyes making me shake my head and sigh.  "So what do you want... I should at least ask."

A gentle feeling filled me.  "For you to actually talk to me... we'll see from there."

I pursed my lips.  "Like around people?"

Next was possessiveness and it made my breaths stop.  "No."  He realized what he did and shook himself.  "Sorry."

I blinked.  "Uh... why..."

He closed his eyes and took a breath.  "You aren't ready for that much.  Let's just make it through the Season."

There was an emotion there I couldn't place, but sadness was mixed with it.  I felt his wolf whine in response and I furrowed my brow.  "Before I shifted... you seemed really sad that I didn't know... why?"

He blinked.  "It would have been heartbreaking if your wolf died."

She agreed, but I know for a much different reason than theirs.  "I see..."

I flinched when I saw his hand reach for me and he paused.  "I won't hurt you."  He placed it on my chest and it warmed, it made my wolf nervous before she growled.  He smiled softly.  "No. Neither of you are ready."

I pushed his hand away fighting my blush.  "I'll agree with you on that.  So... talking, in private.  Got it."  He beamed, truly happy about it.  "Until you piss me off then no deal."

He didn't falter.  "I can accept that."

I averted my gaze.  "Okay, can you get out now... I want to go back to sleep."

A disappointment flooded me.  "I'll leave you alone..."  He left and came back with our bags.  "I have homework anyway."

I frowned.  "I won't sleep with you in here..."

He paused for a minute.  "You're uncomfortable."  I just looked at him and he smiled slightly.  "Okay, I'll go downstairs."

I looked out of the window when he left, unsure of what I was feeling.  I showered and crawled into bed.  "This sucks..."  It wasn't long before I fell into darkness once more.


A deer in headlights, that's the only way I could describe my mate as she sat as far as she could away from me, face tearstained, bloodshot eyes watching me every move.  It hurt, I wanted to comfort her, but it would do nothing to help.  She started to play with her hair, no... this wasn't my mate, at least not the one I had come to know.

I really need to get Brenda under control,  she was making her upset... or not that was just me, the thought of touching her made my skin crawl.  I tried to calm her as she started to panic again, she wanted an out, but somehow once I showed her the mark, part of her found this whole situation hilarious.

She was entranced by and reached out to touch it, but it still stung.  She almost looked offended as she leaned closer, like she was mesmerized by it.  She jumped back when she saw how close she had gotten and shook my hand off to lightly brush her fingers across it.  My fought all the arousal it caused and her eyes widened.

She mumbled almost to herself and I realized it was her wolf who thought this was funny, she was dying of laughter as my wolf was prowling inside of me hoping to get the chance to get her back and we humans were just in shock.  She got hers to settle down and I swear if mine could just sit and glare at hers he would. 

I knew she didn't want anything to do with this and was mildly surprised when she asked what I wanted.  I know she felt I didn't want her talking around anyone as her eyes widened again when she asked, but in private... that would be nice.  Until I made her mad again, which means this would last no time at all.

I left her to sleep, only returning to bid her goodnight.  I didn't have the heart to wake her she looked peaceful.  I brushed her hair out of her face and was very tempted to kiss her lips, but I wanted her very awake for her first kiss so I settled for her forehead.  I clenched my jaw and rushed from the room as I was overcome with desire.

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