Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

That was like a punch to Jungkook's stomach and he had to fight to keep his emotions together and not break down in front of Hanbin.

When they returned to the waiting room, they were met by Taehyung who had stayed. Jungkook explained what happened and what he planned to do and Taehyung had said,

"Take as long as you need, I'll up your pay."

And as they left, Taehyung quickly added,

"But keep me updated."

So it's been about two weeks since then. Hanbin still hasn't said much to Jungkook but Jungkook has managed to discover things without Hanbin having to tell him. For instance, when Jungkook tried to bathe him, Hanbin almost broke his nose and he received several scratches on his face and arms. He had given the six-year-old the option of taking his own bath since that's what he usually liked doing but he refused so Jungkook had to give him a wash-up where he just used a towel and periodically ran water and soap over it. Washing his hair was out of the question.

Leaving him in the dark, small spaces and alone was also not an option. He had to sleep with his lamp on if he wasn't sleeping in Chanwoo's room. He didn't even like standing in the closets and all of their closets were walk-in but not too spacious. And everywhere Jungkook went, Hanbin was right behind him.

Hanbin finally got set up with a counsellor who had already talked to Jungkook about sending him to a psychiatrist. But the closest child psychiatrist was more than an hour away and Hanbin would be going every two days. However, Jungkook was more than willing to drive that commute every two days.

Hanbin was still close with Chanwoo and Jungkook was glad. He couldn't bear the thought of their relationship being ruined like his and Hanbin's was. Despite Hanbin always being around Jungkook and his presence was soothing since he knew his son wasn't in danger anymore, his silence and refusal to let Jungkook in was a constant reminder that Jungkook could've done more.

It was as though Jungkook was being punished for letting his child get kidnapped.

It was heart-shattering.

Having your kid seem as though they blame you for what they went through.

It was painful.

Jungkook couldn't do anything to help him and God only knows just how much Jungkook wanted to help Hanbin but Hanbin wouldn't let him.

Those restless nights they both had where Hanbin would quietly wake up Chanwoo and ask him if he could read to him but Chanwoo would tell him no because Chanwoo hated being woken up. Jungkook wished it were him who Hanbin was going to but he was happy his six-year-old had someone even if that someone really didn't understand what happened or what was happening.

Jungkook found himself lying awake almost every night, occasionally hearing Hanbin quietly shuffling around from the bathroom. He had to leave all the lights on or else he'd have accidents which wouldn't lead to anywhere good. Sometimes, Hanbin terrible nightmares that Jungkook would hurriedly wake him from and proceed to stay by his side the entire night until the sun rose where he'd start his day off again running on the one or two hours of shut-eye he managed to get. Other times, Hanbin would have night terrors and Jungkook was advised not wake him from so Jungkook had to sit by his baby's bed and watch the boy thrash around, cry, and sometimes scream until the night terror ended then he would hold him until Hanbin woke up and moved out of Jungkook's arms and curled into himself to comfort himself.

Every time he refused Jungkook's comfort, Jungkook's love it was just a reminder of how much Jungkook has failed as a parent.

But he got lucky. He has to remember that. He got lucky.


Word Count: 1251

My writing is starting to suck. Plus these chapters are kinda short aren't they?

Part One ends here. The ending is kind of rocky but yeah I figure this is a good ending for part one especially since I have a good mental layout of how the rest of the book is going to go but watch me:
A) forget
B) decide to not go the route I have planned
C) come up with a new idea that doesn't match at all and end up ruining this book
D) all of the above
Because I'm fucking dumbass 😎🤘🤡✌

Anyway, who wants a Q/A???

If you guys want one, I can publish the names next 👀 but it just depends on who wants one and who doesn't 😂😂

I probably won't add the kids for story reasons. So it'll just be BTS (besides Yoons and Hobi) and moi. Do you want Minsun? Saejun?

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