Chapter 270: Noodles With Chicken Soup

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The eldest is the fastest. The chicken is still in the air, but he already opened his mouth and picked a piece.

The chicken dropped a lot of heat, but it is not very hot. The eldest is busy chewing, but after two bites, the action is just a meal, and his eyes are a little suspicious.

He felt that he had eaten a piece of cloth, a piece of cloth soaked in chicken soup.

Is it the wrong bite? How many cloths did Mom lose just now?

Thinking, the eldeat soaked up the soup in his mouth, and then opened his mouth to spit out the food.

The thing that he vomited is indeed meat. The eldest feels confused.

The second and third eat the chicken one after another, and their reaction is a little astonished, but they still swallowed it, and they didn't eat any more meat from the ground.

Bai Yue said in a funny way: "The taste of this meat is boiled into the soup, and the meat is not tasty, yet. Let's go play, and I'll call you when it's ready."


The three wolf cubs surrounded their mother, rubbed her mother's leg, and then run away.

Langzhi added an appropriate amount of salt to the soup, took out a small bowl, blew it, and handed it to Bai Yue, "You taste the soup, first."

"Yeah." Bai Yue can't wait to scoop a spoonful and feed it into her mouth.

The taste of the soup is as strong as its heat, and it is incredibly rich. Even if you eat meat, you will not have such a strong meaty aroma.

It is like an aged wine, pure, sweet, full-bodied and full of energy.

Bai Yue couldn't stop shaking her head while tasting.

Langzhi's expression become lost, "Isn't it delicious?"


The loss on Lang Zhi's face is even worse. Sure enough, he shouldn't be opportunistic. Shouldn't he just wait an hour?

Although the consumption of fire system ability to make soup consumes far more than firewood.

"It's not bad." Bai Yue is immersed in the dreamlike delicacy, but did not find the loss of Langzhi, and continued: "It's so delicious!"

The wolf is stunned for a moment, his expression suddenly changed from overcast to clear, and he let out a sigh of relief: "Then I will cook like this from now on."

Bai Yue looked at the wolf happily and said, "Really?"

"When did I ever lie to you?" Langzhi squeezed the tip of her nose, with a smile in his voice and tenderness in his eyes.

Bai Yue couldn't help speeding her heartbeat and nodded gently.

Xiong Yao came over with the basin, glanced at the soup, and said, "Just pour it in?"

Bai Yue turned to the beginning uncomfortably, making a thinking look.

Langzhi rigorously analyzed: "The temperature of this soup now exceeds 100 degrees Celsius. It is estimated that the noodles will be cooked directly."

Bai Yue nodded in agreement: "It makes sense, let's cool the soup first."

"Good." Xiong Yao responded.

Bai Yue filled some soup in a large soup bowl, poured it back and forth in two bowls, and quickly made the soup warm, then poured it into the basin.

Use chopsticks to stir the flour and soup into floss, and then knead.

Because Bai Yue deliberately scooped the oil in, the dough mixed with chicken oil is extremely smooth when get rubbed, and it is not very sticky.

After kneading the dough and stir it up for half an hour, they began to make ramen.

Out of curiosity, Xiong Yao, Lang Zhi, and Bai Yue all participated in the ramen activity, and even Bai Gu Teng come to join in the fun.

The four of them are sitting around the stone table, each of them rubbing dough in their hands.

Bai Yue thought of the ramen master's skillful and wide-opening movements, and imitated it. She patted a piece of noodles on the table, pulled as if pulling a rubber band, but didn't see her pull out the reason.

Langzhi and the others are not as good as believing that they can pull out the noodles like this. They rub the noodles properly, first rolling the dough into strips, and then lengthening it bit by bit.

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