Chapter 39: Forty-Eighth Teigu

Start from the beginning

Leone: "Well I can help you if you want."

F/N: "I am not sure that you can."

At this point F/N notices that a second person is trying to sneak up on him from behind. F/N is not sure why his teammates all seem to want to sneak up on him while he is out in the forest. However, he plans on scaring this person in return. While still talking to Leone, F/N gets ready to turn around and try to startle the person sneaking up on him.

The person sneaking up on F/N stops several feet away. Then they lunge forward. He is guessing the person is going to hit him with a stick. F/N turns as the person approaches with a stick. He sees that it is Chelsea. As she is about to hit him, F/N ducks under the stick and punches her in the stomach. The result of the impact causes Chelsea to lose her footing and slip down the slope F/N was standing by into the river.

Leone and F/N rush down to go and help Chelsea out of the river. She is soaking wet having fallen all the way into the water. She is also quite upset with F/N for knocking her in the water.

Chelsea: "Why did you do that?"

F/N: "You are the one that attacked me. All I was doing was defending myself."

Chelsea: "Still you did not have to knock me into the water."

F/N: "I may not have had to, however I wanted to. Just like you told Tatsumi to work on concealing his aura, you should work on concealing yours better."

Chelsea: "I was concealing my aura."
Leone: "Don't feel too bad Chelsea, F/N can sense almost anything. It is next to impossible to sneak up on him, no matter how distracted he appears."

Chelsea: "I guess I was just expecting him to be rustier than he is."

F/N: "I was trained to be an assassin, so of course I can still sense people."

Chelsea: "I guess I should have expected that. Anyway. F/N, do you have any idea what your Teigu does yet?"

F/N: "Not a clue. I know I can somehow manipulate something, but I don't know what yet."

Leone: "I am sure you will figure it out. Maybe the three of us can figure out what it does."

Chelsea: "I think it would be best if we just give him some time to figure it out."

F/N: "I have been trying to figure it out. I think I am just going to go hunting to clear my mind up."

With that F/N leaves the two girls behind. In reality he does not think that discussing ideas of what his Teigu may do with Leone and Chelsea will help him figure it out. All that he can do is try and determine it for himself. He was hoping that what his Teigu does would just come to him as he was recovering from the injection. That is not the case though.

Having walked deeper into the forest F/N comes across a herd of deer. He decides that since he told the girls he was going hunting that he may as well kill some deer. F/N readies his bow and draws it back. The arrow is released and it flies true. The arrow strikes right through the deer's heart killing it instantly.

As soon as the deer dies F/N sees a strange orange mist come out of the deer and rush towards him. The mist flies into him. As soon the mist has entered him F/N feels a slight power building up in him. F/N is not sure what just happened, however he suspects that it has to do with his Teigu somehow. Curious what killing more deer will do, F/N leaves his first killed deer where it fell and advances towards where the herd of deer ran to.

F/N once again is able to find the herd of deer. This time he readies two arrows to shoot into two deer that are grazing near one another. F/N releases the bow string and finds that the arrows both hit their marks as well. Both deer die from the arrows F/N has shot at them. Then just like before, out of both of the deer comes a strange orange mist that flies into F/N. The power he felt after the first deer increases as this mist enters F/N's body.

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