Chapter 38: Training in the Mountains

Start from the beginning

Najenda: "Once you are recovered, you need to figure out what your Teigu even does. After all the effort that you put into finding it we need to make the most out of what it can do."

F/N: "I have a vague idea of what it may do based on how I feel a little different from before. However, it is best we wait and find out once I recover."

Later that night several members of the team are inside eating dessert. Mine has a large piece of cake that she is eating. While they are eating a baby panther cat walks into the room and jumps up by Mine. Mine says, "I am not going to share with you." This does not last long though as the cat gives her a cute look. Finally Mine caves and gets some of the cake on her fork to give to the cat.

All of a sudden as Mine reaches over to hand the cat some cat it jumps and steals the entire plate of cake that Mine has out of her hand. It then lands on the floor and transforms. In its place is Chelsea, who begins to eat Mine's cake.

Mine: "Argh, it is you!"

Chelsea: "Mine you are way to gullible."

Tatsumi: "Was that your Teigu?"

Chelsea: "Yeah it is called Gaea Foundation. It allows me to transform into any living creature. I can even mimic some of its abilities."

Mine: "So it is useless for combat."

Chelsea: "Admittedly it is a cosmetic type Teigu. It may not help in an actual fight, however I rely on deceit rather than combat skills to take down my targets."

F/N: "It can be quite effective for completing jobs. However, to make it truly work it is necessary to also be able to mimic the way the creature acts as well."

Chelsea: "Naturally, you are right. I make sure to know as much I can about something before I copy it."

For the next two weeks the members of Night Raid continue to train and get even stronger. Much of this entails them fighting danger beasts in the area as well as working with each other to get stronger. Chelsea continues to prank Mine from time to time. During this time F/N continues to heal as best he can. He is able to recover for the most part and starts to do some basic exercises. He still refrains from doing anything too strenuous to allow more time for his spinal cord to heal.

After these two weeks are over the team all meets at the base to hear from Najenda.

Najenda: "After a month of training I think that you have all leveled up quite a bit. Having been with us for a month, what do you think about the team Chelsea?"

Chelsea: "Well you are all strong. Stronger than my last team."

Tatsumi: "Oh yeah."

Chelsea: "However, that does not mean that you will survive. I have read the reports. Sheele and Bulat were both strong, but they still died because they were incompetent."

Mine: "How dare you!"

Chelsea: "Look all I am saying is that if you are not careful you will end up dead."

Later that night Mine, Tatsumi, Lubbock, and F/N are all sitting around the campfire outside. Mine is still upset about the comment that Chelsea made earlier in the day. She is venting her frustration about Chelsea to the male members of the team.

Mine: "That girl really gets on my nerves. We need to get her back for what she said about Sheele and Bulat."

Tatsumi: "I know what you mean. I don't like it when anyone disrespects Bro."

Mine: "We need to get her good tonight. You three think up a plan to scare her and then I will swoop in for the finishing blow."

F/N: "I am not sure that is a good idea."

Mine: "Of course it is. Now you three come up with an idea."

Tatsumi: "How are we supposed to scare her?"

Mine: "I don't know. Come up with something. I have my own genius plan to come up with. We need to do it tonight. And I better hear her scream."

With that Mine leaves the three guys behind and returns to the inside of their wooden dwelling.

Tatsumi: "Something that will make Chelsea scream. Do either of you have any ideas?"

F/N: "I am not helping. I don't think this is a good idea."

Tatsumi: "It is too bad we cannot use our Teigu to scare people."
After a brief phase Lubbock's expression turns to that of excitement.

Lubbock: "Wait a minute I have an idea, and it is a good one. It is almost time for Chelsea's bath. All you need to do is turn invisible and then while she is bathing dump the wash bucket over her head."

Tatsumi: "That could work. You cannot come with me though Lubbock."

Lubbock: "Of course. I will let you have the fun part."

With the plan now set, Tatsumi runs off to go and get in position to scare Chelsea. Once he is gone F/N turns to Lubbock.

F/N: "You just want to see if Chelsea will get upset at a peeping tom."

Lubbock: "Come on Mine is practically forcing us to do this. I may as well get something out of it as well."

F/N: "I doubt it will work. Chelsea will probably notice his aura."

Shortly after their conversation, Tatsumi is waiting behind a rock while Chelsea is bathing. He is invisible using Incursio. After debating on if he should do it, or not Tatsumi gets up and walks over to surprise Chelsea. He picks up the wash bucket and slowly walks over to where Chelsea is bathing. As he gets closer the figure in the water stands up. Tatsumi realizes that it is a guy not a girl.

Bathing man: "You can come out now. I know that you are there."
Tatsumi: "Sue I am sorry."

Susanoo: "Incursio may make you invisible, but that is all it does. You need to hide your aura better."

Tatsumi: "I know that."

Susanoo then chops Tatsumi lightly on the head. He then transforms into Chelsea.

Chelsea: "I got you. It was me the whole time."

Tatsumi: "What Chelsea?"

Chelsea: "Tatsumi, you really need to work on quilling that aura. As soon as I sensed you I knew that I could turn the tables on you."
Tatsumi: "I know that. I promise that I will work on it."

Chelsea: "I am sorry, does it make you mad when I correct you like that."

Tatsumi: "Not really. I know that there is still so much that I need to learn. I am trying though."

Chelsea: "Listen Tatsumi I recently returned from a mission to find all of my last team dead. I don't want that to happen again."
Tatsumi: "I get it. You really care about us."

Chelsea: "No I am just protecting my emotional well being like any reasonable person would do. And Tatsumi if I ever catch you peeking again I won't hesitate to cut it off."

After this encounter Tatsumi returns to the campfire where F/N and Lubbock are waiting. Lubbock asks how it went and realizes that trying to peek on Chelsea is not in his best interest. F/N on the other hand is thinking about how well Chelsea handled the situation. He personally was expecting that she would inflict some kind of bodily harm to Tatsumi. While she did threaten Tatsumi if he did it again, F/N was not expecting her to handle it so well.

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