Chapter 32: Tensui Village

Start from the beginning

F/N: "Oh I think I understand. You thought that when she ran off that she may have run into me coming to your base and killed me."

Kurome: "Yeah I did. It has been a long time since I saw any sign of you so I thought you might be dead."

F/N: "It is not like I showed up all that often back when the Elite Seven was around either. It shouldn't surprise you that you didn't see me."

Kurome: "I guess you are right. It is just that she took so much from me, I figured she must have taken you as well."

F/N: "No I am just fine. I heard what happened, so I can see why you were so concerned though."

Kurome: "Where did you hear about it? Everyone has been told to keep quiet. Natala and I were sent to Dark Squad, while Poney was sent to another unit. I haven't seen her since though."

F/N: "If you must know, I ran into Akame on a job a few months back. She told me what happened."

Kurome: "So you saw my sister."

F/N: "Yes. She seemed to be doing well, although I take it you would prefer she was not doing well."

Kurome: "Not at all. She is my dear sister after all. Sure I want her dead, but I want to be the one to do it."
F/N: "Odd, she said the same thing when I asked about you."

Masked Man: "If he has spoken with a member of Night Raid, he could be the enemy."

Kurome: "If he had come here to kill us, you would already be dead. F/N is an assassin easily on par with all of the former Elite Seven members."

Masked Man: "He told me he was just a traveler passing through."

F/N: "That is more or less true. To be honest this town is my destination. I have to say I am surprised to have found out all the residents had been killed."

Kurome: "They were enemies of the Empire, so we killed them. They didn't even put up a fight, it was no fun."
F/N: "Does that mean you enjoy killing people now?"

Kurome: "Sometimes. It can be really pretty fun if the person puts up a good fight. I like it when they think they can win and then I kill them anyway."

F/N: "I am also curious about Natala. He does not seem quite the same."

Kurome: "He is one of my puppets now. He got mortally injured by a rebel soldier and I killed him so he could stay with me forever."

F/N: "So you possess the Teigu Yatsufusa."

Kurome: "That's right. It lets me always have friends to help me in a fight. Even better when I kill Akame she will be able to be with me forever as well."

F/N: "Alright. It is good to see you Kurome. I am glad you are doing well."

Kurome: "You could join us you know. I would really love it to have you with me."

F/N: "I assume you mean as a member of Dark Squad, not as a puppet right?"

Kurome: "Of course as part of Dark Squad. I would never kill you and make you a puppet unless I had to."

F/N: "I appreciate it Kurome. I would never hurt you either. As for the offer I will have to pass. While it is good to see you, I guess I need to remind you that I am a freelance assassin and usually my targets are important people in the Empire."

Kurome: "Yeah I know. I don't get why you kill big shots in the Empire though."

F/N: "I kill serial killers and rapists mostly. It does not matter if they are part of the Empire or part of the revolution. I don't discriminate between the two. However, it is more common for the target to support the Empire than the revolution. Probably because there are more people that support the Empire."

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