Chapter 30: Night Talk

Start from the beginning

Tatsumi: "How is it that you can show no emotion then when you kill? Do you just switch it off and on like Akame said to do?"

F/N: "I suppose so. From before I can remember, even before I could talk I was taught to be an assassin. To me that is all I have ever known. I did not have a family like Akame. Sure I had Gozuki, but I think I was only ever a tool to be used to him. I did not have a team that I worked with. Instead I have been on my own claiming lives since before I can remember. Yet despite that I still used to have a hard time switching my emotions on and off."

Tatsumi: "You never seem to show any emotion though. In fact, I don't know that you have ever even smiled. How is it that you can always stay so composed?"

F/N: "To me I am always on a mission, so I always have my emotions switched off. Until I have completed the mission I have set out to do, I will stay like this."

Akame: "What mission are you talking about?"

F/N: "First let me explain how I learned to turn my emotions off. When I was younger I saved a girl from a group of bandits. She was pushy and forced me to meet her family. I did and we became friends. I spent two years playing with her, and almost forgot about how cruel this world really is. Sure I still did assassination assignments during that time, but not like before. However, unlike before I was happy. I probably smiled all the time back then."

Tatsumi: "How did you change so much then?"

F/N: "The two years ended and I was shocked back into reality. The Reaper, the Empire's most notorious assassin, came to the Capital. He came to kill a family that had been buying western slaves and then torturing them to death for fun. Unlike what Aria's family was doing, the law completely backed this family. That family was my friend's family. I had no idea it was going on. All the time I was upstairs playing games with my friend, there were western slaves below my feet on the verge of death."

Tatsumi: "So what, your friend got killed, so you switched your emotions off permanently."

F/N: "No I went to the house to wish my friend a happy birthday. When I got there the guards were dead. I found her parents both decapitated in the living room. Then I ran to my friend's room just in time to see The Reaper cut her head off. She died right in front of me. The first person I truly cared about died as I watched. Her eyes looked right at me as she died."

Tatsumi: "That is horrible."

F/N: "There is more. That is not why I let go of all my emotions. Seeing my friend die, I attacked The Reaper. We fought, although I am not sure you can really call it a fight. He kicked my butt in the fight. I should have been dead, but then he did something I never expected. He told me to follow him and he showed me the basement. I saw all the western slaves that the family I had grown so close to had tortured to death. As I stood there looking at all the western slaves I realized something. No matter what I did they were gone. It did not matter if I cried for them, if I sought revenge for them. None of it mattered. They were dead, so what good would seeking revenge do. Instead all that I could do was move on. I needed to take action, so that the same thing did not happen to other people."

Tatsumi: "So your mission is to prevent others from suffering like that."

F/N: "My mission is to do just what I told you. I will weed the evil out of this world, so that others can know happiness. If that means I must sacrifice my own emotions to do so, then I do so. To be honest I am upset that Sheele died, just like I am upset that most of the Elite Seven members are dead. However, I move on and focus on what I have promised myself I will do."

Tatsumi: "So you have decided to give up your own emotions, so that others can be happy."

F/N: "In a way I guess that is what I have done. Tatsumi, I have seen a lot of people die, just like Akame. I have witnessed people I care about getting killed. I have killed more people than I can count, and I have seen things that would cause you to have nightmares. The result of all of this Tatsumi is that I have learned that we should grieve for all those that die, both ally and enemy. However, we should not allow that grieving to interfere with us moving forward to make this world better. Never jeopardize what you are doing just because you are upset about something. Remember that what we are doing is too important to allow our own feelings to get in our way. Do that and you will be alright."

Tatsumi: "Thank you for your advice."

F/N: "You are welcome."

Tatsumi: "I am off to bed now."

With that Tatsumi leaves the kitchen with just Akame and F/N in it.

F/N: "Akame there is one more thing I want to talk to you about."

Akame: "Sure what is it?"

F/N: "You plan to kill Kurome don't you."

Akame: "I know she will never join us so eventually we may have to kill her. I love her and don't want anyone else to do it."

F/N: "I understand. I think she may join if she was not addicted to drugs."

Akame: "No she won't. She won't leave because so many of her friends died working for the Empire."

F/N: "You may be right. Do you know what happened to Poney?"

Akame: "I heard she was executed."

F/N: "She was. I saw it myself. I was planning to save her, but there was no way to save her. I wonder if Kurome would change her mind if she knew. Both Kurome and Natala were taken to another location and my understanding is the truth has been kept from them."

Akame: "I doubt that will change her mind. Though there is a chance I guess. I think part of her knows the Empire is in the wrong. Maybe she will change her mind if we tell her more about the Empire and have a cure for her."

F/N: "I am not sure a cure exists, but we should try to find one if we can."

Akame: "Agreed. If it comes down to it, let me be the one to kill her."

F/N: "Alright. Let's hope it does not come to that."

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