Chapter 24: First Assignment

Start from the beginning

F/N: "I recognize that you know what you are doing, so I didn't see a reason to comment on your methods. Also I had a friend when I was younger who liked to shop a lot. I went with her multiple times, so I got used to it."

Mine: "Where is your friend now?'

F/N: "Turns out her family was much like the family you guys killed a few nights ago. She was killed by an assassin."

Mine: "It is probably for the best then."

F/N: "I guess you are right. Are we done with the surveillance for the day?"

Mine: "Yeah we are. We can go back to base now."

F/N: "Can we go and get my stuff from the forest first? I would appreciate the help carrying it back."

Mine: "Fine I guess we can since you have been so patient."

After Mine finishes her ice cream the two of them head out of the Capital following the path that F/N takes back to his base. Along the way as usual no danger beasts attack F/N as he is traveling through the forest, despite his base being in one of the more densely populated danger beast areas in the forest. The two arrive at the tree where F/N stays and stores his belongings in the hollowed out trunk.

F/N removes the false covering to access the inside of the hollowed out tree. Inside is his bow and arrows, along with his throwing knives, books, some clothes, and a ton of gold. Mine sees all the gold and gasps. F/N pays no attention to her and starts to grab his weapons out of the tree. He then grabs some bags that he has in the tree as well to start stuffing gold and books into. Mine just stands and watches while F/N loads four large bags with gold and one with books.

F/N: "Well Mine you didn't exactly help much in loading everything up. I do expect you to help carry it back though. I can carry three bags, so you will need to grab two. Can you manage that?"

Mine: "Why do you have so much gold?"

F/N: "Well I have not had much to spend it on, so the money I have acquired as an assassin has stacked up over the years. I still don't have a ton of use for it, so I am planning on donating it to Night Raid."

Mine: "This is a huge amount of money you have. I am surprised you would be willing to give it up so easily."

F/N: "I see no reason not to. I have never needed much money, plus if I do need something I imagine I could get the money I would need fairly easily. So there is no reason for me to save all this money."

Mine: "Alright I guess I can help. You owe me though."

F/N: "I am giving away all this gold, which you will probably get a share of so I would say we will be even."

Mine: "No that is not good enough. I want you to answer some questions I have about you as payment."

F/N: "Alright I will answer most questions you have."

Mine: "First off, when you joined Night Raid yesterday, you said that you would not kill someone that you do not consider to be evil. My guess is you had a person in mind when you said that."

F/N: "You are right. I was thinking of Kurome, Akame's little sister. I know her fairly well and don't think she is a bad person. However, she works for the Empire so it is possible she will be a target at some point in the future. If someone else does kill her I won't stop them, but I will not kill her myself."

Mine: "Alright I guess that makes sense. Next you are half western like me right?"

F/N: "Like I told you before, I am. My mother was a western slave, while my father was a nobleman. I don't really know either of them though, as I was sold into slavery basically at birth."

Mine: "Are you aware of the racial discrimination that western people face in the Empire?"

F/N: "I have never faced it personally as I appear to be from the Capital. However, I have seen some poor treatment of western people. Usually they appear to be slaves."

Mine: "I want to end all that discrimination. That is why I joined Night Raid. I don't want anyone to suffer and be bullied like I was as a kid."

F/N: "I am sorry to hear that you were bullied. I wish I could have been there to help you. I don't feel like I have done anything to fix racial discrimination with the assassinations I have carried out. I have only really dealt with rapists and serial killers. That is part of why I wanted to join Night Raid. So I can make a bigger difference than I have been."

Mine: "I learned while I was being bullied that I could not rely on anyone. The only person I can really rely on is myself."

F/N: "I guess that is true, but you should be willing to rely on others who are your friends. They will help you if they can."

Mine: "I know that. I trust my team to keep me safe while I am on assignments."

F/N: "That is good to hear. I hope that we are able to create a world without any racial discrimination just like you want."

By this time F/N and Mine have arrived at Night Raid's hideout. They take the bags that they have to the main room. F/N explains to Najenda that she is welcome to use the gold however she sees fit. He then takes all of his books to his room along with his weapons.

Once F/N has completed getting everything arranged in his room, it is time for dinner. F/N enjoys the meal and is surprised by how good it is. Much of the food that is made is meat, which F/N guesses is a result of Akame being the one that cooked it. He already has a good idea that Akame is somewhat obsessed with meat.

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