Chapter 23: New Beginning

Start from the beginning

Leone: "This is Sheele."

Sheele: "Are these the two boys we picked up yesterday? Have they decided to join us yet?"

Leone: "I think F/N is going to join us, but Tatsumi is still a bit hesitant. Do you have any encouragement for him?"

Sheele: "Well if you don't join us since we showed you the location of our base, we would have to kill you."

Tatsumi: "Wait really."

F/N: "Makes sense. Although there is no reason for me to sell you out of the Empire even if I don't join you."

Leone: "Don't worry Tatsumi, since you are going to join us that will not be a problem."

As they are standing in the dining room the pink-haired girl from the previous night walks in behind them.

Pink-Haired Girl: "Are we really letting these two join us? Why didn't anyone ask me if I was okay with it?"

Leone: "Sorry Mine, but they both have potential."

Mine: "Yeah right. I don't think either of them will last past the first mission. They just aren't cut from the same profession cloth as the rest of us."

Tatsumi: "If I joined I would do just fine."

Mine: "I doubt it."

Mine then looks closer at F/N and notices the bracelet that is on his left wrist.

Mine: "Where did you get that?"

F/N: "About eight years ago I was sent by my adopted father Gozuki to go and kill the Lord of a western city. While I was in the city some western lady who was a slave to the Lord of the City came running up to me claiming I was her son. She gave me this bracelet. She also called me F/N, which was the first time I was actually given a name as Gozuki never named me."

Mine: "Really your adopted father never named you?"

F/N: "No he didn't. I was a slave he purchased to train as an assassin. I was just a baby when it happened, so I don't really know much about it."

Mine: "Do you think that lady was actually your mother?"

F/N: "She might have been. I would like to believe so, which is why I wear this bracelet. I know that my mother was a western slave, and my father was a nobleman of the Empire. He raped the slave, and she hid the fact she was pregnant for a long time. I was born and then sold into slavery immediately to hide the fact that I existed."

Leone: "Oh so you are half western blood like Mine."

F/N: "That explains your pink hair. I just happened to get my father's looks so I blend in pretty well."

Mine: "So you wear that bracelet to remember your mom."

F/N: "Kind of. I also wear it to help me remember that whole trip, as that is when my life really changed. I succeeded in killing the Lord of the City, along with people that Gozuki told me were the Lord and Lady of the City. Apparently, the actual Lord of the City was a friend of Prime Minister Honest, so I got disowned by Gozuki so he would not get in trouble. I have been working as a freelance assassin ever since. I did help the Elite Seven on a few jobs, as originally, I was supposed to be their leader."

Mine: "Did you do anything else while you were in that city?"

F/N: "Why do you ask?"

Mine: "No reason, just curious."

F/N: "If I remember right I saw some guards picking on a girl. I killed the guards, and took the girl back to my base to tend to her wounds. She left before I got the chance to talk to her though. I did some other stuff I would rather keep to myself."

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