Chapter 22: Seeing the Corruption

Start from the beginning

Akame: "That's right."

Cat Eared-woman: "So you two know each other."

Akame: "Yes."

F/N: "We had the same adopted father and I helped Akame escape from the Elite Seven after she killed him."

Tatsumi: "Wait, so you are friends with assassins?"

Akame: "He is an assassin."

Tatsumi: "You told me you were a weeder."

F/N: "That is right. I weed the evil people out of society by killing them, while leaving the good people alone. I figured saying I am a weeder would sit better with you than telling you I am an assassin. Now if you don't mind I want to look in that shed."

Aria: "You really don't need to look in there."

F/N: "Sure I do. I heard rumors about a family of serial killers and want to verify if it is you or not. If I determine you are innocent, then I will help you get away."

Cat Eared-woman: "She won't get away."

Akame: "Leone, if F/N wants to help her get away, she probably will get away. He is more talented than he appears. If it came to a fight I am not sure you would stand a chance."

Leone: "Is he really that good?"

Akame: "Yes he is."

F/N: "Anyway, I am going to look in the shed now."

F/N walks over to the shed and tries to remove the lock. It will not come off. Leone walks over and breaks the door down with a kick for F/N. F/N walks in to find that there is the body of a dead young woman hanging from chains attached to the ceiling near the door. In addition, the room also has several cells with people in them. F/N also notices that there are various tools that could be used to torture someone with ease. It is not as full of a torture chamber as Anne's parents had, but it is still definitely a torture chamber. This confirms in F/N's mind that the family really was the one that he was hunting.

Tatsumi has come over to look in the shed as well. As soon as he sees the sight F/N can tell that he is horrified. Tatsumi is staring at the dead girl hanging from the ceiling. Tatsumi gasps, "Is that Sayo?"

Leone: "You know this girl?"

Tatsumi: "She was one of my friends from the village."

Voice from shed: "Tatsumi is that you?"

Tatsumi: "Ieyasu, is that you in there? What happened to you?"

Aria: "I knew nothing about this."

Ieyasu: "That girl invited me and Sayo to stay with this family. We had something to eat and then everything went black. That girl tortured Sayo to death."

Aria: "So what if I did! All of you country folk are just livestock for me to do with as I see fit! How is it fair that a country girl like her can have such beautiful hair like that! Mine is always giving me trouble, so I treated her extra special."

Leone: "I don't mean to interrupt, but you sound pretty demented."

Tatsumi turns towards Aria and starts to walk towards her. Akame gets ready to kill Aria, but Tatsumi says, "Wait."

Leone: "You still are going to defend her even after knowing who she really is."

Tatsumi: "No, I'll do it."

Without hesitating, Tatsumi draws his sword and cuts Aria in half.

Leone thinks: "He didn't even hesitate. Granted she was pretty heinous."

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