Chapter 20: Village Boy

Start from the beginning

F/N: "That is fairly common in the Capital. You need to be careful not to be taken in by everything that someone tells you."

Tatsumi: "So what do you do for a living?"

F/N: "I am a professional weeder of sorts. I eliminate the bad out of the Capital, while leaving the good."

Tatsumi: "That is a strange job."

F/N: "I guess, but it needs to be done."

Tatsumi: "Is there really that many weeds in the Capital?"

F/N: "You would be surprised."

Before they can continue this discussion a carriage stops across the street from them. A girl comes out and walks over to them.

Girl: "Hi, I am Aria. Do you two need a place to stay for the night by any chance?"

Tatsumi gets a skeptical look on his face and says, "No thanks. I am good."

Aria: "Oh please. I enjoy helping people that are poor on the streets. I would love it if you two would come stay with me."

A guard walks up as they are speaking.

Guard: "Sorry for the inconvenience, but Lady Aria has a habit of helping people that she finds on the street. Don't worry you will be taken good care of. We will give you food and a nice place to sleep."

Tatsumi: "I don't have any money."

Aria: "Well if you did, you wouldn't be sleeping on the street. Come on."

Tatsumi: "Alright sure. I guess it is better than sleeping on the street."

Next Aria turns her attention to F/N.

Aria: "What about you?"

F/N thinks: "This sounds awfully suspicious. This girl and her family may just be the serial killer family that I am trying to find. Tatsumi here is too dense to the true nature of the Capital to realize that there are a lot of bad people here. I may have to go with him to make sure he does not end up dead. I should not act too interested though to hide that I am an assassin."

F/N: "I was going to sleep in the forest tonight, so I am good."

Aria: "Really sleeping in the forest is more dangerous than the street."

F/N: "I am used to it. Growing up I always slept in the forest surrounded by danger beasts."

Tatsumi: "I figured you must live in the Capital and your house burned down. Isn't that why you are covered in soot and smell like smoke."

F/N: "No I was on a job, when the house I was working at caught fire. I went in to check on the resident, but was too late to save them."

Aria: "Please won't you come as well. I would really like to help you out."

F/N: "Alright fine."

Aria: "Good now let's all go home to my place."

Once in the carriage, F/N and Tatsumi introduce themselves to Aria. F/N more or less tells Aria and Tatsumi the truth about him living in a forest. He leaves out that he was trained to be an assassin. Aria seems to be really friendly, which makes F/N be slightly on edge as he has never met someone in the Capital this friendly who does not have evil intentions. He figures this may lead to him being able to complete an assassination job though if the family happens to be the target he is looking for.

After some time traveling in the carriage, they finally arrive at Aria's home. To call it a home is somewhat a lie. It is a mansion. In addition, to the large house there is also a large yard. F/N is surprised by how big it is. He was expecting that the family would be poorer than this. Now he is even more curious about what reason Aria could have to want to invite them here. He is growing more and more confident that he was right, this family is the serial killer family he was hearing about.

With the arrival of the carriage Aria, F/N, and Tatsumi all go inside the mansion. There are two adults sitting in the living room of the home who Aria introduces as her parents. They both seem friendly enough and are mostly talking to Tatsumi, while F/N only half listens, as he looks around the room. After talking for a while, Aria's parents tell Tatsumi they will send men out to help look for his lost friends. F/N notices that the family has many different pieces of art from around the world. He is not sure how they could have gotten all of the pieces, but figures this family must be really wealthy.

F/N: "This is a really nice home you have here."

Aria's Mother: "Thank you. We have put a great deal of effort into collecting art from all around the world."

F/N: "I can see that. I am curious about something one of the guards said. He mentioned that your daughter takes in strangers of the street often. Isn't that dangerous?"

Aria's Father: "Oh don't worry, we have some of the best guards in the Empire. They can handle any threat that someone on the street could pose."

Aria's Mother: "Also Aria is really good at spotting people in need, so those that come and stay with us always really need the help."

F/N: "What do you do to help those that come and stay with you? Are they all still here, or do you help them find work?"

Aria: "They are all in a better place now."

F/N thinks: "That was a highly questionable answer. My guess is that I am right, this family is the serial killer family. It is best I don't act rashly though. Maybe they are good people. I need some kind of evidence before I kill them all off. However, they seem a little too like Anne's family was. I cannot fall for something like that again no matter what."

F/N: "It is really kind of you to help those that are in need like you do."

Aria: "Think nothing of it. I really enjoy it."

F/N: "I am glad that you enjoy helping others."

Tatsumi: "Do you think that you would be able to help me get a job in the military?"

Aria's Father: "I have a friend, who is high up in the military. I will talk to him for you. I cannot guarantee much, but you should at least be able to get a position of some kind. Maybe not high up, but it will be a job at least."

After this the conversation continues to go on, but F/N does not pay much attention to what is being said. He is too focused on planning a quick and effective assassination in the near future. F/N is doing this as he figures it would be best to deal with them as soon as possible if they really are serial killers. He does tell Aria's parents his story again, as well as adding some more made up details when they asked questions. Eventually, the conversion ends and the parents tell Tatsumi and F/N they can go off to bed now. They are both led by some of the butlers to their rooms.

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