Chapter 18: The Empire's True Colors

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Overall, F/N sees that many of the people are suffering as a result of the harsh taxes that the Prime Minister has imposed on everyone. Some villages are on the brink of starvation because they have no food from their crops to live on, since they had to sell it all to pay taxes. In other places, F/N finds that mass suicides have taken place as some figure dying is a better choice than living in the Empire.

Despite all the bad things that F/N finds out about, he also learns about some good things as well. He finds that some cities are prospering as a result of the Empire's protection. Many of these cities would not even exist if it was not for the actions of the Empire. Seeing this makes F/N realize that a new government will need to be set up before the Empire falls, or else many people are going to suffer just as badly as they currently are.

One area of particular interest to F/N is the city in the west that he traveled to many years ago. This is the city where he killed the Lord of the City as requested. It is also the place that he found the key that he has carried around in his pocket for many years now. In this city, F/N notices that those of western blood are more or less slaves to those of the Empire. Matters have gotten far worse as the westerners are seen more like cattle than people now by everyone. F/N learns that it is common in this city for civilians to pull out a gun and kill a westerner just because they feel like it. Hearing this makes F/N realize just how corrupt the Empire truly is. F/N commits to trying to fix this discrimination that his going on in the west as it is very concerning to him

While F/N is in the western city, he overhears a westerner that is trying to sell a book.

Westerner: "Come one and come all. Read about the tales of King Roden, the last king of the Western territories. Read about the epic quest he underwent to steal a weapon that surpasses anything that the Empire has."

F/N is slightly curious what the man is talking about, so he goes over to hear more.

F/N: "What more can you tell me?"

Westerner: "Not much. It would be a waste to say everything that is in the book out loud. Then there is no reason for you to buy it."

F/N: "Can you at least tell me what this weapon that King Roden stole is?"

Westerner: "It is supposedly to be a weapon that millions died creating it. The weapon is said to be one of the Teigu of the Empire. It was sealed away in the west a thousand years ago. No one knows exactly where it was sealed, or how to get to it."

F/N: "How did you learn about this? I have never heard anything like it."

Westerner: "My ancestor from almost a thousand years ago was a close friend of King Roden and helped him steal the weapon. Everyone swore to secrecy to hide the existence of this weapon. We have passed down in my family the story of the mysterious weapon for many generations. It has all been kept in writing so you can trust it is accurate."

F/N: "Why are you selling this information if it is so important to keep secret?"

Westerner: "The weapon has long since vanished from the earth. People have tried to find it to no avail. The one thing that was left out by my ancestor is what was done with the weapon. I need the money and since the weapon is long gone I see no harm in sharing the story. If you want to learn any more you must buy my book."

F/N: "One last question. You said that it was more powerful than any weapon that the Empire has. How can that be if it is one of the Teigu?"

Westerner: "It was the last one ever made. Supposedly it is the best of them all as well. No one has ever used it, so who knows what it does."

F/N: "I will happily take one copy of your book."

The westerner hands F/N a copy of the book and in return, F/N gives him money equal to three times the value of the book. F/N says, "Keep the extra as your payment for telling me so much about the book already." With this F/N walks off with his newly acquired book. As he walks off F/N is thinking, "I wonder if the stupid key I found is related to weapon the man mentioned. If so I have the key to get to the weapon, now I just need to figure out where it is. I am not sure why, but I cannot bring myself to part from the key, so hopefully I am right and it will lead me to something good. Maybe this book can give me an idea."

Once F/N finishes buying the book from the western man, he heads back to the forest near the Capital. On the way F/N starts to form his plan for what he is going to do now that he has learned about how corrupt the Empire really is. At the moment F/N plans to start doing research on the key that he has. He hopes the book that he has gotten will be of use to him learning more about it, including why the key called to him when he was in the border city years ago. Once he knows more about the key, he will look into if joining the Revolutionary army is the right choice for him. 

Reaper of the Empire (Akame Ga Kill x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora