Chapter 17: Betrayal

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In the fight between Akame and Gozuki, Akame is much faster which gives her a slight advantage in the battle. However, as Gozuki possesses the sword Murasame it will only take a single cut for Akame to die. Gozuki is never able to land a blow as Akame dodges each of his attacks that Gozuki makes with the blade. Despite avoiding the sword, Akame does suffer several bruises from kicks that Gozuki delivers to her. After an intense battle, Akame finally strikes with her sword and decapitates Gozuki.

Upon seeing Gozuki die the other members of the Elite Seven are shocked. At this time Kurome, Tsukushi, Natala, and Poney are the members of the Elite Seven that are still at the base. Tsukushi is the first to recover from her shock. She rushes at Akame and pulls out Prometheus. Tsukushi lets off several shots which Akame tries to dodge. Two of the shots hit Akame in non-fatal locations. Akame blocks a third bullet with her sword. The impact breaks the sword. To protect herself, Akame picks up Murasame from Gozuki's body and rushes at Tsukushi, cutting her with the cursed blade.

It is at this time that F/N arrives at the church. He is about to enter the clearing when he hears the gunshots. To be safe, F/N climbs a tree and watches the conflict as Akame kills Tsukushi. No sooner is Tsukushi dead, then Poney and Natala rush at Akame. F/N also hears Kurome say "Why sister? Why?" Kurome does not advance like the others. Akame calls over to her sister, "Kurome, come with me. We can leave the Empire together." Kurome replies, "No sister. I cannot betray them. Then all of our friends will have died in vain. You are a traitor sister."

To add to Akame's problems several guards that were on patrol in the area also rush into the clearing having heard the gunshots. They see what happened and are planning to kill Akame. Seeing that she is vastly outnumbered, Akame runs into the forest to try and get away from everyone. F/N follows her, using the trees as he would like an explanation for what she is doing.

Akame is able to put some distance between herself and those that are pursuing her. Once she is out of the sight of her pursuers, F/N decides it is time to act. He jumps down from the trees in front of Akame blocking her path.

F/N: "Care to explain what you are doing?"

Akame: "Please move, I don't want to have to kill you too."

F/N: "You have two choices. Either come with me and I will get you to safety. In exchange you need to explain to me what happened. You can also try to fight me and possibly win. However, the others will catch up before you can get away."

Akame: "Fine I will come with you."

Once Akame has agreed to come with him, F/N leads her along a path to his base. His base happens to be in a very dangerous part of the forest, filled with danger beasts. They don't attack him or Akame as the beasts have long since learned to fear F/N. As Akame's pursuers approach the area, they are attacked by the beasts. This causes them to lose Akame's trail.

As soon as F/N and Akame reach his base, F/N climbs up a tree and grabs some bandages and medical supplies to use on Akame. Once he has these medical supplies, F/N climbs down and starts to bandage Akame's wounds.

Akame: "Why are you helping me?"

F/N: "Not really sure. I figure that you must have a good reason for betraying everyone. Also I don't see you as an evil person, so I felt like I should help you."

Akame: "Thank you."

F/N: "Now can you tell me why you turned against everyone."

Akame: "I have been doubting the Empire for a while and after talking to Najenda I decided that this was the right thing to do."

F/N: "Is there a reason you picked to act immediately?"

Akame: "I just did what my heart told me was right. My heart told me I should leave so I did."

F/N: "What is your plan now?"

Akame: "I am going to join an assassination team called Night Raid that works for the Revolutionary Army."

F/N: "Alright. I wish you the best of luck with all of that."

Akame: "You have just as much reason as I do to hate the Empire. Quite possibly more. I am sure you know how evil it is. Why don't you come with me? I would really appreciate it."

F/N: "I do admit that the Empire has a lot of bad people in it. I even agree that something needs to be done to change the Empire. However, I am not ready to help the Revolutionary Army. I am still rather disgusted with them about hiring the Oarburugh clan. Maybe someday I will join you though."

Akame: "Are you going to follow me and tell the Empire where Night Raid's base is?"

F/N: "I see no reason to. I am not loyal to the Empire."

Akame: "Well I guess I will be off then. I hope to see you again soon as an ally."

F/N: We will see. I am going to go check on the survivors of the Elite Seven to see how they are doing."

Akame: "I am sure that Kurome is going to be upset about all of this."

F/N: "I am sure you are right. You should have taken her with you."

Akame: "She wouldn't come. Also the Empire has her addicted to some type of drug. She cannot be without it, and only the Empire can make it."

F/N: "That is unfortunate. I wish you the best of luck."

Akame: "Bye."

With this Akame leaves the base that F/N has set up and heads into the forest to go to where Night Raid's base by the Capital is located. F/N heads back to the clearing where the church is located to see what is going on there. He hopes that nothing too serious is going to happen, but he cannot be too sure how the Empire is going to react.

Reaper of the Empire (Akame Ga Kill x Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin