Chapter 16: Oarburgh Assault Part 2

Start from the beginning

As soon as the butler dies, Poney and Tsukushi rush over to check on Green. They find that he is alive. Green has several severe injuries, which F/N knows need to be taken care of immediately. F/N says, "You two should stay here and help Green. He needs immediate medical attention. I know that you both have some medical supplies on you to help him. I will go and find Akame. Without waiting for a response, F/N rushes off towards the town square.

When F/N reaches the town square he rushes to the mayor's house where he assumes Akame has been being held prisoner. He finds a bedroom where a struggle appears to have taken place. F/N also finds a trail that leads to the forest outside of the town. He follows this trail hoping it will lead him to where the leader of the Oarburgh clan, Merraid, is located. F/N hopes that he will also find Akame there, as he told Poney and Tsukushi that he was looking for her.

After running a short distance F/N comes upon an interesting scene. He sees Akame standing over a woman that is clearly badly injured. F/N also notices that Akame is starting to undress. Before she is able to do so, F/N says, "What the heck is going on Akame?" Hearing F/N's voice scares Akame, she turns around quickly with her sword ready to strike.

F/N: "It is okay. I am not going to attack you."

Akame: "Oh it is you F/N. You scared me. Kurome told me you were around the town, but I didn't expect you to show up here."

F/N: "You really should be more alert to your surroundings so that I could not sneak up on you so easily. Can you please explain why you were undressing?"

Akame: "This woman Merraid has become somewhat of a friend to me. Her last request was that I undress for her."

F/N: "Is she still alive?"

Merraid coughing blood: "I am barely."

F/N: "Considering she is a known rapist along with things, I will not allow you to grant her final request. If you try to I will cut off her head, before you finish. Regardless of your opinion of her, I do not allow my targets to have final requests, and Merraid is one of my targets right now."

Akame: "Alright."

Akame then walks over and stabs Merraid through the heart, killing her. Then Akame turns to F/N and asks, "Will you atleast help me make a grave for her?" F/N replies, "Sure." The two then proceed to make a grave for Merraid and bury her. They cover most of Merraid's body with flowers that are growing nearby. After they finish making the grave, the two head back to the town to see how the rest of the Elite Seven fared in their mission. F/N is careful to not be spotted by any of the Four Rakshasa Demons, who he knows are in the town.

Once Akame and F/N have met up with the rest of the Elite Seven, he walks up to Tsukushi to talk to her.

F/N: "How did you manage to change the direction of your bullet like that?"

Tsukushi: "Oh that is the effect of my twin pistols Prometheus. I can control where the bullets fly. There is a limit though, as the more I shoot the less accurate the bullets become."

F/N: "That is pretty impressive. I had no idea that you had a weapon like that."

Tsukushi: "All of the original Elite Seven have a Shingu like my Prometheus."

F/N: "What is a Shingu?"

Tsukushi: "They are weapons kind of like the Teigu that the First Emperor had created. Each of them has a special power. However, the Shingu are weaker than the Teigu in the abilities that they possess."

F/N: "Well I have to say that I am impressed that you were able to control the bullet like you did. That is a really handy ability to have."

Before the two are able to continue talking, F/N quickly leaves as the Rakshasa demons are approaching. After leaving the group F/N goes to hunt down any remaining members of the Oarburgh clan. In addition, to Merraid, F/N does have two more targets among the clan to make sure are dead. They are the twins Loris and Meela. F/N quickly learns that they were not with the squad sent to kill the Elite Seven. With this information, F/N leaves to find them.

After a week of searching for Loris and Meela, F/N is able to determine where the twins are located. F/N moves towards that location and finds the twins camping. From the intel that F/N has gathered, the twins are planning on joining a group called the Retribution group. This group is made up of people that have survived assassinations by members of the Elite Seven. F/N has caught up to them while they are on their way to join this group.

F/N sneaks close to them and using an arrow, is able to shoot Meela straight through the head. He then prepares to shoot Loris, but Loris, with a great deal of adrenaline, rushes at F/N preventing him from getting the shot off. F/N manages to block her knife attack using his bow, and then quickly draws his dagger to contend with her. He drops the bow and draws a throwing knife to use as well. Despite Loris's skills in close combat she soon messes up leaving an opening. F/N throws the throwing knife hitting her in the knee.

With her injured knee, Loris is now an easy target for F/N who draws his sword in his right hand, with his dagger in his left. Now F/N rushes at Loris to finish her. Having reduced Loris's mobility and having longer range, F/N is able to cut off Loris's right arm. Then he rushes in and drives his dagger into her heart. As the dagger penetrates her heart, Loris dies. With these two dead, F/N has now confirmed the death of all of his targets among the Oarburgh clan.

Now that F/N's targets are dead, he heads back to the forest he has been staying in for years to get ready for his next job. As F/N is traveling he thinks, "Originally all the corruption that I have dealt with has been from the Capital. I was starting to think about joining the Revolutionary Army. If I had not met the Elite Seven I might have. Knowing now that the Revolutionary Army would employ people like the Oarburgh Clan though worries me. It would seem as they currently stand the Revolutionary Army may not be much better than the Empire. For the time being I will just stay neutral to both parties, helping the Elite Seven occasionally, and deal with those that I decide are evil on my own without worrying about what side the person is on."

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