Chapter 11: The Reaper Part 1

Start from the beginning

F/N: "I wouldn't mind if it is a mess, but if you don't think they want the help we don't need to go help them."

Anne: "I am sure they wouldn't want you to help them."

For the rest of the day F/N and Anne play games. About an hour before F/N is planning on leaving Anne's parents both come up from the basement together. F/N notices that neither of them appears to be dirty from cleaning. However, he figures maybe it was more moving boxes then dusting, or cleaning the floors. Both of them seem surprised to see F/N there, however soon they greet him and act like normal.

F/N leaves the mansion an hour before dark having spent the better part of the day with Anne. As usual he refused to eat anything there, since he does not want to impose on the family. He realizes that they have offered to feed him, but he does not want to abuse the hospitality they provide to him. F/N is starving as a result of not eating, so he is in a hurry to get back to his base and eat some of the meat that he has preserved there.

As soon as F/N gets back to his base in the forest, he starts to dig into some of the wolf meat he has in the base. While wolf meat is not his favorite, it was starting to go bad so he decided to eat it. While F/N is eating he realizes that he forgot that it was Anne's birthday. She had not said anything to him, which was weird. Since it would be rude not to wish her a happy birthday as he is her only friend, F/N heads back to her mansion to go and see her. The family always said that he was welcome at any time, so he figures they will be fine with him coming by even though it is late.

When F/N approaches the mansion he immediately knows something is off. There are no guards at the front gate. Looking closer F/N corrects himself, the guards at the front gate are dead. Instinctively F/N draws his sword and stealthily enters through the front gate. He sees that there are more dead guards on the property leading to the front door. F/N is hoping he is not too late to stop whoever killed those guards.

As F/N reaches the front door he sees that it cracked open. F/N quietly opens the door and enters the house. He sees nothing out of the ordinary at first. Then he reaches the front room and finds both of Anne's parents dead with their heads cut off. This sight sends F/N into panic mode as he rushes to Anne's bedroom to make sure she is alright.

F/N arrives in the room just in time to see a man wearing all black cut cleaning through Anne's neck with a katana, separating Anne's body from her head. Seeing his friend die right in front of him infuriates F/N. He rushes at the killer with his sword and strikes. The man sees F/N coming right before F/N's sword would have decapitated him. He barely is able to get his sword up in time to stop F/N from killing him.

A sword fight begins between the two of them. F/N is stunned at how fast the man is able to strike. This man fights nothing like Gozuki and is definitely much better than him. In just a matter of seconds F/N has received five cuts to his arms and legs. Strangely there is no blood from these wounds. F/N puts no thought into it as he continues to try and kill the man.

Finally F/N is able to land a blow as he sees an opening. He goes for it as the man quickly closes the opening blocking F/N's sword. However, F/N's other hand has already drawn his dagger and with one fluid movement, the dagger cuts cleanly into the man's side. As soon as the blade has gone through the man, F/N gets kicked in the ribs by the man.

With lightning fast speed the man advances on F/N and the two clash once more. This time the man changes to using a different sword style. F/N has no idea how to counter it and is soon overpowered. He has his sword knocked out of his hand by the man. F/N is unfazed by this as he begins to use his dagger to protect himself against the onslaught of attacks that the man is delivering. Before long F/N has his dagger knocked away too. The man then stops his assault.

Man: "I take it you knew this girl."

F/N: "Yes she was my only friend."

Man: "Your friend here was a psychopath just like her parents."

F/N: "What are you talking about?"

Man: "I suppose you would be oblivious to what they were doing."
F/N: "You deserve to die for what you did."

Man: "You are probably right. I have killed more people than I care to remember, yet I will not stop yet. Not until I am ready to stop."

F/N: "Who are you anyway?"

Man: "If you want to know that then come with me to the basement in this house."

F/N: "I was told never to go to the basement in here."
Man: "Of course you were. If you had ever been down there you would already know the truth."

F/N: "Truth about what?"

Man: "Just come with me."

Reaper of the Empire (Akame Ga Kill x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now